Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit Expands, Could Last Weeks Longer Than Expected – IOTW Report

Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit Expands, Could Last Weeks Longer Than Expected


Last month, the Arizona Senate leadership hired a team of independent auditors to complete a “comprehensive, full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, including a hand recount of all ballots.” The state Democratic Party tried and failed to stop it, and now it is expanding and may go beyond its original deadline.

“The audit will validate every area of the voting process to ensure the integrity of the vote,” Arizona Senate Republicans said in a statement. “The scope of work will include, but is not limited to, scanning all the ballots, a full manual recount, auditing the registration and votes cast, the vote counts, and the electronic voting system.” According to state-certified results, Biden won the county by just over 45,000 votes and barely won the state by a 10,457-vote margin.

According to the Arizona Republic, the audit may go beyond the original 60-day deadline for a report to be issued, partially due to the fact that the venue for the recount, Veterans Memorial Coliseum, is hosting several local high school graduations.

Senate audit liaison and former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett says that they are doubling the number of counters and expanding to three shifts a day instead of two.

Despite the extra manpower, Bennett wouldn’t estimate how long it will take to complete the recount. “We have as much time as we need to do it right,” he said.


12 Comments on Maricopa County 2020 Election Audit Expands, Could Last Weeks Longer Than Expected

  1. Good news, weeks longer will turn into months longer, and before you know it we will get the Durham report before this audit. Can’t anybody get something fucking done?

  2. Hopefully this is a head fake. They’re being surveilled by super spook aircraft. Libtards are asking Jobama for an executive action sealing the results from the public. They need to wrap this shit up ASAP. Obviously, they have nothing to hide. Meanwhile, expect big push to confiscate your firearms. Apparently Libtard traitors don’t like getting shot at.

  3. “Taking a long time is a good thing.”

    Not if it’s still going on a year from now and the midterm campaigns are in full swing. The results of this audit, and others should affect the way that all future elections are run. If reforms can’t be implemented by the end of this year, we are screwed in 2022 and beyond.

    It’s hard enough fighting the Dems, but the RINO GOPer Estabs also want to shut this stuff down, or at least delay it until it’s useless.

  4. “But even if the audit were to prove that Trump legitimately won Arizona, that would not be enough to change the outcome of the election. ”

    But it would give credibility to the charges of election fraud and should provide a legitimate basis for audits in other States where the same conditions existed and the same charges of fraud made.

    I want the audit to be as thorough and accurate as possible, no matter whether the results are what I expect or not, but I also hope for it to be completed before Leftist defenses against more audits elsewhere are fully established and they are no longer possible.

    The time factor is of extreme importance, IMO.

  5. The big question, I think, is if the audit comes up with clear evidenced of fraud, will it have an effect on Michigan and other states where there is suspicion of fraud.

  6. Is it just me, or does this seem like a huge waste of time and resources? After all, absolutely nothing will come from knowing the truth. And, unless the GOP grows something resembling a spine, the same thing will happen in every election from now on.

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