Marines Looking To Change Their Slogan – IOTW Report

Marines Looking To Change Their Slogan

“The Few. The Proud. The Marines.,” is on the chopping block.

King Five-

The Marine Corps has been known for their recruiting slogans dating back at least a century to “Tell That To The Marines.” Other well-recognized taglines include “We Don’t Promise a Rose Garden,” “The Marine Corps Builds Men” and “The Change is Forever.”

According to J. Walter Thompson, “The Few. The Proud. The Marines” has been in use since 1977, although it has not been the sole recruiting slogan of the past 40 years: “If Everybody Could Get In The Marines, It Wouldn’t Be The Marines” and “We’re Looking for a Few Good Men” were put to use during the same time frame.

“Each of these taglines have served a distinct purpose to help solve the institution’s needs in the different eras they have been called upon,” Caldwell said.


HT/ illustr8r

Gee, a new slogan for our era??

How about, “Sashay on in and show us your fierceness” ?

23 Comments on Marines Looking To Change Their Slogan

  1. I give a shit what some REMF says the “new Tag line” is, just don’t screw with the standards, make them tougher, spend the advertising dollars for actual combat training, the best weapons and the best materials they’ll need to succeed.
    While you’re at it, we have a chance for a real Commander in Chief, Vote Trump ! Semper Fi !

  2. The most sexually submissive (heterosexual) branch of the US military is the Marines — by at least one order of magnitude.

    *I* would say: that is what makes the Marines the best men of all; they are knights — and then some. ….Lady in Red

  3. @cfm990:

    I don’t much care what their official slogan will be. I just hope enough Marines adopt a personal slogan like. “We gotta stop this shit”.

    Or, as we Southerners say, “Oh HELL no!”

    If you ever hear a guy with any kind of Southern manner of speech say that, stop what you’re doing. You certainly want to do that if you’re doing something wrong, but even if not, you definitely want to stop and watch. (And help if called for.)

  4. I think few things has bothered me as much as whats been done to the Marine Corps in the many years since I wore the uniform. Everything is being so sissified I want to puke. Loyalty, honor and standards must be dispenced with in the new society. The left seems to insinuate themselves in every aspect of life in the USA and set about destroying standards. I guess I’ll never get it, there is no respect for a different point of view with these scum its just our way or no way.

  5. I hope whoever is tasked to come up with this tag line went the basic training on Paris Island 3rd battalion. For those of you who know what I’m talking about, well you know what I’m talking about. (that’s for my boy, a nod to him)

    Doc, Deplorable, feel the same.

  6. Marines, we do two things
    Trash your place then
    kill what remains.

    Not anymore!
    Chicks with dicks late for a
    Salon appointment.

    White feather/ Carlos
    Your discipline is sorely missed.

  7. Bad Brad you are correct. I know men from many different branches of the military. I honestly tried to kinda push my boy from going into the Marine Corp. I have a few friend who are Marines, a couple lifers. A very good friend of mine who is a Marine is completely nuts. I mean that in a good way. He has been out for many years, and is currently in some God awful country making crazy money protecting VIP on there travels. I have known this man since 8th grade, also the old neighbor kid who grew up with us (now a GySgt), and a few others. From their stories to the stories my childhood neighbor (retired Col-US Army) you can imagine the reluctance on a fathers part for their oldest boy to go this route. But i guess when your are a 6’2 red head, and have your mind made up what can you do. Don’t tell him, but he can actually kick my ass now. Also, his buddies that are in there have informed me he nuts (like i didn’t know) and will fight anyone who feels like messing with him. His buddy said it wouldn’t be so bad, but the last time he took on 5 guys who though red heads were puss#es. I do not see these fine men allowing any rainbow flag, feel good slogans, or the renaming of anything for a leftist gay icon the liberals worship. It will not end well.

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