Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Beat the Left at Their Own Game – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Beat the Left at Their Own Game

Dinesh D’Souza: How Marjorie Taylor Greene outwitted the Democrats and the Left—a valuable case study for the GOP.

10 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Greene Just Beat the Left at Their Own Game

  1. Hard for me to get through.

    You will never hear me use the term we in connection with me and the Republican Party. I am a Constitutional conservative and when they support my agenda I will vote for them. That is all we have in common. As for the Republican establishment and what I support, there is far more difference between the Republican establishment and Constitutional conservatism than there is between the Republican establishment and the Democrat Party and that is where their loyalties are. If you doubt me revisit where they come down when the chips are down and it is time to put up or shut up.

  2. I like Dinesh, but he got two things wrong.

    1. The Republicans were not talking about helping the other side. The Republicans, for the most part are part of the other side.

    2. Does he really think the Republicans will retake the House in 2022? Just watch: there will be a number of “close” races and there will be recounts — and the Democrats will win them all retaining control of the House.

  3. @ JDHasty FEBRUARY 6, 2021 AT 6:51 PM

    When I am with a Dem friend that only sees things as Dem vs Evil Repubs, I have to focus on the point you are making.

    I constantly have to remind them I’m a conservative and that many Repubs are not. That I only vote Repub because the Dems are bat-sh*t crazy anti-American destroyers of all that is good.

    I pray the scales are soon lifted from their eyes. They believe many things that are just not so.

    Since they have known me for decades, I ask them what it is they have witnessed about me and how I’ve lived my life that makes them think I’m evil. They are ALL silent at that point. They know better. They have nothing.

  4. @Dadof4 – you have NOT changed my friend, I don’t even ‘know’ you, but I am sure those you speak of HAVE.

    It’s called Twisted Pretzel Logic…on their part.

    I know them, I am related to a few…

  5. Like her! Election was stolen and the Kung fly came from China! ALso stop the insanity with news talking about what we are eating for the super bowl! So freaking tired of all the bullshit!


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