Mark Levin Calls Out Establishment Moderates That Trash Cruz – IOTW Report

10 Comments on Mark Levin Calls Out Establishment Moderates That Trash Cruz

  1. The question for the republicon RNC hacks straight foward is “Who would be better for this country, Hitlery or Donald Trump ?”

    The citizens are saying they want Trump as their candidate, he is top in all polls. They however, are hell bent on forcing the buffoon Jeb thats in LAST place in all the polls. They dont care if their chicanery causes Trump to run 3rd party, ensuring Hitlery wins.

    So the wind up in simple terms is that they are as traitorous to this country as Hitlery, Odinga, and the rest of the left. They would rather see our country destroyed before they lose their patronage RICO mill dismantled.

    In conclusion, they too are our enemies. They too must be held accountable and fought at every turn. They too must have cases made against them to prove their corruption and treason. They need to be prosecuted and put in jail next to the evil, violent, democrats.

    When the shit hits the fan they need to be hunted down and held accountable for their duplicity. They need to be identified as equal parts in the cause of the choas they created. Our freedom and rule of law does not operate on auto pilot. We have to be active custodians of it making sure its working, and sadly, we have not.

    If Hitlery wins with the help of the little scumbag punk Rancid Penis, the RNC is guarenteeing civil unrest and confrontation. To them its worth it, they are hedging their bets thinking the people will forget what they did. I doubt it Rancid….. find a good hiding place, punk.

  2. As ever many times as conservatives have concluded that “this is the LAST chance we have to turn things around!” in past cycles, it now is overwhelmingly agreed that this really is the last chance at least under normal election processes. Unlike times past, however, all the politics-as-usual have flown the cuckoo coop. If you recognize and acknowledge that, then current conditions start making sense. The parallels to be drawn between Trump’s campaign and Reagan’s are numerous but the one thing that will make as much difference now as it did then is that Trump, like Reagan, has the ability to force the media to pay attention to him. He does it everywhere he goes. And once that mic is hooked up, they have no way of cutting it. They want the ratings. They want the ratings so badly they even let Trump call them despicable, dishonest and “scum.” Cruz can’t do it. We’d like him to do it because they are all those things. But he can’t and when he doesn’t, we all feel his weak position. We’re tired of feeling weak when we have every reason to feel strong. Trump does that for us. And he does it as well on CNN as he does on FOX; on Bill O’Reilly as he does on Good Morning America.

    With all the bluff and bluster of some conservatives fuming and puffing up their chests about counting coup on the Left and the GOPe, they quickly forget that winning the primary battle is not the same as winning the GE war. The enemy in the latter will be indifferent to how important are our conservative values.

    Winning hearts and minds. The most hearts and minds. That never changes.

  3. This morning I had to go to the Dump, the Library, the Post Office, and the Grocery store. So I had to lock the geese up in their house so the stray dogs and bob cats don’t eat em. Well, I explained the situation when I let em out at 6:30 and they didn’t complain too much. But when I put em back inside at 9:30 you’da thought I hadn’t told em a thing! They screamed, ran around in circles with their wings out, bit at me, and each other, and generally acted stupid.

    THIS is the problem with attempting to win the hearts and minds of a people who’ve been mal-educated for 100 years. They no longer understand reason. They no longer understand cause and effect. Just like with geese, it’s difficult to get them to think beyond the next bite of grain or grass.

  4. Great analogy, Tim! Too funny!

    I was annoyingly subtle in my comment. The one who has any chance at all at reaching the silly geese is not the one who has the most compelling arguments, but he or she who is able to get in front of their eyeballs and pound on their eardrums — through the media. There are not enough voters who spend any time at all pouring over internet news feeds or reading Don Ross columns. They don’t know who Joe Dan Gorman is (and would laugh if you told them about Intellectual Froglegs) or even who Bill Whittle is. They don’t have the time, the inclination or in many cases even the aptitude to digest the information.

    But we shouldn’t underestimate people too much. Something is getting through to them. It’s hard to trumpet Trump without sounding like a “fan”, so I’ll just say that I still believe he has the best shot at meeting people where they are in terms of message and audience. He’s not dumbing down his message, but he is speaking their language. And he’s got the media’s attention and will keep it.

  5. Last year about this time when Jeb! was making noises like he was going to run, I heard Levin say we need to pick one candidate and get behind him early enough to force the attention to our guy and the CofC guy. Trevor Loudon make the same point in a video that went viral. Those two and others all made the point that the establishment wanted their guy v Hillary because no matter who wins, nothing really changes in DC. And you can see that most glaringly with Jeb and Rubio, both of whom will continue the open borders insanity.

    OK, who can argue with that?

    So here we are, about 6 months into the primary run and who is drawing crowds in the 5 figures? Hell, who is even staging huge events? Who has been leading in the polls since he entered? Whose lead is steadily increasing? Who is the one candidate that is beholden to no super pac billionaires? Who is directly addressing the issues we must deal with to begin to turn this nightmare around?

    IOW, whose message of jobs, better trade deals and a tough military seems to be getting past Republicans and is now drawing union people, minorities, especially blacks and women? These are groups that I’ve seen no movement at all to Cruz. None. Zip. Nada.

    Rush has his stick and you’re right AA, this one REALLY is it but he will not endorse anyone. But Levin? The loudmouth who is obviously for Cruz? He won’t say anything hoping that Cruz hangs in there. So all that talk about getting behind one guy early looks like so much bullshit. Savage OTOH looks pretty close to a flat out endorsement.

    The longer voices like his remain silent, the more time the conservative vote will be split and that means the GOPe has more time to undermine the leader.

    Now I’ve heard the first couple ads from Kasich(what a douche) smearing Trump and they are laughable. In fact a Trump supporter swayed by this nonsense wasn’t solid anyway. But when people like Bill Kristol, who demanded that Trump swear no 3rd party, then turn around and say, they could never support Trump and want to see Cheney run!!! 3rd party, you understand the depth of hate the GOPe has for Trump.

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