Mark Levin Traces FISAgate Right Back To Obama’s WH – IOTW Report

Mark Levin Traces FISAgate Right Back To Obama’s WH

Were members of the administration ordered to do it or did Obama say something like, “I sure wish we could ease-drop on Trump” and they took the hint? Either way, Mark Levin isn’t afraid to call out Obama’s White House and he showed how the trail of scandal leads right back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Hannity last night. Here

18 Comments on Mark Levin Traces FISAgate Right Back To Obama’s WH

  1. Trump’s call to Taiwan sure took everyone by surprise. How it didn’t get leaked was interesting. They just had a big earthquake there today. Now is the time to call again Mr. Trump!

  2. It would not be a big surprise for the trail to lead up Mr. Obammer’s butt but I’ll get excited after he’s in jail thank you.

    We know in a perfect world the evidence must exist and it becomes a matter of if there’s rat big enough to snitch (hope they aren’t clinton supporters cause then they’ll have to be aid up in life insurance.)

  3. I like Levin when he is educating me, but if I were invited to spend an evening having dinner with him I would respectfully have to decline. He can be absolutely insufferable at times and I just have to take a break from him when he gets into that rut. I could not trust that an enjoyable evening might turn into one or the other of us being choked out.

  4. “When the Premier steals,
    the ministers will kill.”

    Do his bidding while covering him in “plausible deniability.”

    The Treasons are easily traceable – we simply lack the will to protect ourselves.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. myself, I cannot wait for this can of worms to be kicked over.

    it has everything, including corruption on the highest levels within our most powerful government.

    since obama was not a natural born citizen and therefore unable to serve as potus and this fact was ignored by every congress critter there, we will have the full blown treason of the usa congress exposed in front of the public. this is what will finally come out when all the investigating finishes.

    how’s this supposed to end when these are the proven facts.

    either the public rises and takes care of administering justice or we cease to be republic founded on the ideals of equal protection under the laws.
    don’t expect congress to do it’s job.
    if the citizens don’t it won’t happen.

  6. For me, it is just one more piece of evidence that Democrats are on the wrong with every cause they support. If you have to cheat (and still don’t win 😆) your policies are immoral.

  7. –“Were members of the administration ordered to do it or did Obama say something like, “I sure wish we could ea[v]se-drop on Trump” and they took the hint?”–

    I would imagine that the higher ranking people were promised very good positions in Hillary’s administration.

  8. Now I’m starting to wonder if those rumors back in 2012 were true: That Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was not just a hapless filmmaker caught up in events, but was really a CIA tool, creating the “inflammatory video” to serve the purposes of Clinton and Obama with their narrative about the “Arab Spring”. Maybe that was a dry run for the “inflammatory dossier” serving the “Trump Russia” narrative. The Clintons had been creating false narratives since Oklahoma City and TWA800; It’s not hard to believe they’d bring their standard M. O. into the Obama regime.

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