Mark Meadows (R-NC) Discusses Fraudulent Impeachment Process and Upcoming IG Report – IOTW Report

Mark Meadows (R-NC) Discusses Fraudulent Impeachment Process and Upcoming IG Report

Conservative Treehouse: North Carolina republican Mark Meadows has been one of the key republican leaders who have remained in Washington DC during the recess break so that he can quickly attend the secret back-room hearings being held by Chairman Adam Schiff.  In this interview Mr. Meadows discusses the current status of the impeachment effort.

Additionally, Meadows discusses what he knows of the documents provided to Inspector General Horowitz for his pending release of the FISA investigation.   Meadows predicts the IG report will be a “scathing rebuke” of the FBI; however, Meadows also predicts the accountability aspect will only end with recommendations for FISA process changes. watch

1 Comment on Mark Meadows (R-NC) Discusses Fraudulent Impeachment Process and Upcoming IG Report

  1. “Meadows predicts the IG report will be a “scathing rebuke” of the FBI; however, Meadows also predicts the accountability aspect will only end with recommendations for FISA process changes.”

    FISA process changes?!?! If that is all that happens we might as well either throw in the towel on the country now, or start the war now.


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