Mark Steyn Slams Leftist Refugee Proponents on Their Cavalier Attitude Towards Muslim Rape – IOTW Report

Mark Steyn Slams Leftist Refugee Proponents on Their Cavalier Attitude Towards Muslim Rape

Here’s Jamie Glazov, way back in October of 2001, explaining the mind of a Muslim and why it is prewired towards a predilection for rape.

10 Comments on Mark Steyn Slams Leftist Refugee Proponents on Their Cavalier Attitude Towards Muslim Rape

  1. Thank Gawd there are people like Mark Steyn and Pam Geller to fight for all those abandoned worldwide to the empowered Moslem scourge encouraged by BHO. Sad, sad, SAD.

  2. That is a lesson in how to handle this “progressive” filth.

    One thing to keep in mind is that the atheistic filth that controls Europe is more of less childless and as such they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what Steyn is saying. Oh, they are embarrassed that they have been called out, but in actuality they don’t give a damn. They are separated from the filth they are bringing in and dumping on those who are not blessed to be in a position to be separated from the rapists and they wouldn’t know true compassion if it fell out of the sky and landed in their laps.

  3. There are reasons other than alleged compassion that leftists are pushing for the importation of Middle East refugees into Western Europe and North America. In the last 100 years there have always been wars, insurrections and unrest in various parts of the world, yet until Syria imploded, no one really cared about importing refugees. Starvation in Ethiopia and Somalia – the left didn’t care enough to advocate relocating refugees elsewhere. Bloodbaths in Iran and Iraq – ho hum. The Great Leap Forward in China – eh. Persecution of Jews in Germany – that’s not our problem. Yugoslavia, Soviet satellite nations, Africa, South America, Central America, Korea, Southeast Asia – massive civilian casualties, but no real push to resettle large numbers of those folks elsewhere. Hell, we even got to watch Cuba implode and impoverish their citizens, and Cuba’s less than 100 miles away.

    Sure, we have had some migration of civilians from troubled hot spots, but for some reason leftist government “leaders” are intent on forcing refugees on societies that don’t really want them or cannot accomodate them. Even worse, these refugees are permitted, and sometimes even encouraged to continue observing their own laws and cultures in their new “homeland” and discouraged from assimilating. This is absolute lunacy.

    The most simpistic reason is that progressives are morons. Some are, but there must be other reasons leftists are pushing for this because progressives/liberals/leftists are not compassionate people by any stretch of the imagination. Personally, I believe that leftists believe that importing Middle East refugees seems like a good way to destroy a democratic/representive/capitalistic system that actually works, and that leftists believe that refugees will provide them with a base that otherwise sane citizens will not join. Just don’t tell me that compassion and concern for their fellow man is what progressives are concerned about.

  4. I’m going to take a break from all the chaos and mayhem going on in the world this weekend. XM’s channel 59 Willie’s Roadhouse has an all weekend tribute to the late Merle Haggard going on right now. they even renamed the channel Merle’s Roadhouse for the duration of the weekend. As long as they don’t mess with Ranger Doug’s Classic Cowboy Corral Sunday morning at 6 AM PDT, I’m okay with it. YEEHAW!

  5. I watched the entire debate and while Steyn lashed both of the REgressives early in the confrontation, they all got much too chummy for my taste as it wore on.

    Still, Mark laid some serious pipe. I just wish he would have kept his confrontational tone up till the end.

    The woman REgressive kept appealing to the emotions of not comforting these invaders while TOTALLY disregarding the consequences and real time events. Disgusting bitch.

    And the moderator? Lord, what a fucking pussy.

    It’s an hour and a half, not worth your time IMO. Same old shit.

    I want to see a panel of rapees(?) and sexually abused women & boys(and goats) on one side and a couple of mullahs on the other.
    Losers gets hung on the nearest crane.

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