Mark Zuckerberg wants to provide free internet to refugees in camps across Europe – IOTW Report

Mark Zuckerberg wants to provide free internet to refugees in camps across Europe

What better way to ensure that ISIS operatives can stay connected to their cabal?


  • Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg told the UN on Saturday that he will help Syrian refugees to access the internet 
  • He said he thinks it will help them get better access to aid and allow them to keep in touch with loved ones
  • He added: ‘A like or a post won’t stop a tank or a bullet but when people are connected, we have the chance to build a common global community’
  • But he didn’t divulge how he will bring the internet to refugees in camps

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20 Comments on Mark Zuckerberg wants to provide free internet to refugees in camps across Europe

  1. Gee – publicly cuckold to the entire Muslim world. New heights of betaboi kiss ass unseen since the 8nth century. AND he’s a Jew? Paying the Umma to fuck him – and us.

    There’s nothing left – bring on the next apocalypse.


    Good luck finding a Noah or a Gilgamesh TODAY.

  2. Fuckerberg’s whole business model thrives on getting more people to replace those who already quit or like me, have never and will never use his product.

    So I can’t blame him for taking the opportunity to plaster the company name all over free shit for new recruits.

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