Mary the Notorious Squatter Discovers Karma Is Real – IOTW Report

Mary the Notorious Squatter Discovers Karma Is Real

Red State

This is a massive problem in blue states, but people aren’t without their tools. Businesses have popped up that effectively drive the squatter from the home by getting around some of the laws designed to protect them. 

But one property owner didn’t hire a business, she simply called her brother, a streamer who goes by the name “Asian Andy,” and what Andy put this woman through is nothing short of pure psychological torture, which he turned into fun content you can now enjoy. More

9 Comments on Mary the Notorious Squatter Discovers Karma Is Real

  1. If this has anything to do with federal law, I would bet Trump has a plan to stop this from occurring. However, I would assume that even if it’s federal, local municipalities and states probably has wording in their laws and ordinances that allows for this psychotic practice.

    Another way for the WEF to bring down America I guess.

  2. Nothing new. Forty years ago a friend had a tenant that wouldn’t vacate, he “rented” the place to a biker gang and they moved in and occupied the place legally. Assholes vamoosed themselves within days.

  3. I owned a house in Florida that I used to rent out. I got hit by a professional squatter family that occupied my house for 6 months and only paid 1 months rent. Since A**a worked at the Miramar court house, she saw that I had filed paperwork to have her served with eviction and booked out the next day. I wanted a judgement against her so she couldn’t do that to anyone else, but no local lawyer would touch it because she worked for the court. They all knew about her and her family, but refused to take my case. Complete scum of a person who stole almost $10,K from me

  4. I owned a house in Florida that I used to rent out. I got hit by a professional squatter family that occupied my house for 6 months and only paid 1 months rent. Since A**a worked at the Miramar court house, she saw that I had filed paperwork to have her served with eviction and booked out the next day. I wanted a judgement against her so she couldn’t do that to anyone else, but no local lawyer would touch it because she worked for the court. They all knew about her and her family, but refused to take my case.

  5. Damn! I’m surprised that she’s never had a major “accident”, or “disappeared” one dark and stormy night.


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