MARYLAND: MS-13 Gang Members, Illegal Immigrants Involved in Fatal Stabbing – IOTW Report

MARYLAND: MS-13 Gang Members, Illegal Immigrants Involved in Fatal Stabbing

Epoch Times:

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official said that six suspects involved in the slaying of a Maryland man are illegal immigrants and MS-13 members.

Seven suspects were charged in the killing of 21-year-old Daniel Alejandro Alvarado Cuellar, officials said on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

But an ICE official told Fox News on Sunday that six immigration detainers were issued for six of the seven suspects. The spokeswoman said that six of the seven are in the United States illegally and are members of the violent gang MS-13.

The suspects were identified as Jonathan Escobar-Hernandez, 20; Marlon Leonardo Fabian-Flores, 20; Edwin Edgardo Garcia-Martir, 18; Hugo Portillo-Chavez, 31; Jose Fausto Rivera-Coreas, 19; Odaliz Rosas-Yanez, 20; and Leonel Alexander Velasquez-Hernadez, 16.

The seven suspects are being held without bail in the Baltimore County Detention Center, police told Fox. All seven could face a life sentence in prison, said officials, who added that others could be charged in the case.

According to the Baltimore Sun, citing charging documents, the MS-13 members stalked Cuellar as he left the laundromat before stabbing him to death. One killer allegedly had a machete-style knife.

Investigators said that it stemmed from a war between MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang. read more

8 Comments on MARYLAND: MS-13 Gang Members, Illegal Immigrants Involved in Fatal Stabbing

  1. Why sentence the taxpayers to a lifetiime of paying for these invaders? All they need is swimming lesson off Martha’s vineyard which is now shark infested. Rehabilitation will be handled by the sharks willl be so effective, we will never hear another peep from this pack of vermin.

  2. @Extirpates – or, put them in a large pen with hundreds of feral pigs. No shortage of either so it’s a good match. Then sell the ‘pork’ to the Chinese.

    Whoa. I’m mean today.

  3. Candidates for Professor Lazlo’s ballistic experiments
    With them I can answer pressing questions such as:
    Can you fling someone with a ballista with enough accuracy to have them land in an Oil Drum?
    Can you skip a person on the water like a stone?
    Can you shoot someone out of a cannon and get them cross the Grand Canyon in one piece?

  4. MS-13 are very likely recruits wanted for Antifa. When the government gets more aggressive against the law-abiding, the violent gangs and killer criminals can be organized and used by the government dictators for forced control. That is why Antifa is NOT policed for its crimes already. BTW, is anyone experienced with bolas? A throwing weapon designed to entangle legs.

    “Bolas (from Spanish bola, “ball”, also known as boleadoras, or Inca ayllo) are a throwing weapon superficially similar to the surujin, made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, designed to capture animals by entangling their legs. They are most famously used by the South American gauchos, ”


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