Maryland now requires additional documents to comply with federal REAL ID law – IOTW Report

Maryland now requires additional documents to comply with federal REAL ID law

The Baltimore Sun: Marylanders who need to renew their driver’s licenses or get identification may have to dig through their files for birth certificates and other paperwork first.

Since Jan. 1, Motor Vehicle Administration has been requiring more residents to bring in documentation when they renew licenses and state identification cards. The documents are required for Maryland’s licensing program to remain in compliance with federal laws.

Those who are affected will need to bring proof of their age, identity, Social Security number and address, said Christine Nizer, the MVA administrator.

Age and identity most often is documented by a birth certificate or passport. AQ Social Security number can be documented by a Social Security card or tax documents such as a W2 or 1099.

The address must be confirmed through two documents, such as a car registration card, bank account statement, lease, utility bill or mail from a government agency.

Over the next several years, the requirements will affect millions of Marylanders.

Out of 4.7 million Marylanders who hold licenses or ID cards, about 1 million already have their documentation on file. The MVA has been reviewing and scanning the documents for new licensees — new drivers and people who move to the state — since 2009, Nizer said.  more

20 Comments on Maryland now requires additional documents to comply with federal REAL ID law

  1. “The change does not affect the renewal of Maryland licenses and ID cards that are issued to undocumented residents, Nizer said. Those licenses and ID cards are not REAL ID compliant.”

    Is it just me or is this too obvious for words? I feel like I missed something important, otherwise this rule is a big middle finger to citizens and welcome mat to illegals.

  2. Yep – Pa is going the same way UNLESS you are illegal and then it doesn’t matter.

    Stupid obammer and the tranny he rode in on.

  3. The MD MVA signs up illegals
    for voter registration as soon
    as they come in for a license.
    It’s business as usual in a state
    ruled by criminal Democrat socialists.

  4. I always wonder at using a birth certificate as proof of anything other than a baby was born; certain date, place, parents, and gender, (race?). There is NOTHING on a birth certificate that actually ties the adult holder to that baby, except gender! As the states turn more genderlessly progress, in issuing birth certificates, even that will become useless.

  5. 1. Most States are doing this for ‘Real ID’
    2. If illegals can’t get a ‘Real ID’, then it’s easier for the Dems to register illegals to vote, they don’t have to peruse long files looking for ‘foreign’ names. Just the licenses of non-Real ID drivers.
    3. Not that anybody ever uses them, but birth certificates can ( and many do ) contain palm and foot prints.
    4. Why can’t ICE just set up shop outside of polling places, and check ID of everybody entering or leaving? It’s done by the TSA if you want to fly somewhere.

  6. “The change does not affect the renewal of Maryland licenses and ID cards that are issued to undocumented residents… Those licenses and ID cards are not REAL ID compliant.”

    thought bubble: if illegals (‘undocumented residents’) vote w/ ID that is not federal ‘REAL ID’ compliant, shouldn’t the result of Maryland’s federal vote be thrown out? …. seriously

  7. ‘…only two people have been turned away because they lacked the required documents, Stottlemire said.”
    Belive it or not, I was one of these “two people”.
    I received my notice a few months back and it had NO notification of this new program or requirements. I went to the MVA last week and was turned away. I had to waste more time the next day bringing my ORIGINAL SS card, passport, car title and electric bill. They guy scanned them and then told me my new license will come in the mail if a few weeks.
    He could not explain to me why undocumenteds did not have to comply with this.

  8. I recall going to the MVA one day . The MVA was packed outside with criminals illegal aliens, coming in buses , people in cars like 🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀 in top of each other. When the door of the MVA open this was like a third world country, so I ask the state troopers to remove all this criminal illegal aliens from the building. He told me the governor Martin O’ says that does criminals illegal aliens was the news Americans. So I did what I do best I started to tell them the migra is coming , this criminals run out of the building quick.

  9. @jethro this is bullshit this is news to me I didn’t receive any paper telling me about this new law . I guess so to living in the socialist, communist state of Maryland

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