Mass Deportation – We Did It Once, We Can Do It Again – IOTW Report

Mass Deportation – We Did It Once, We Can Do It Again

NPR ran a story about a dark time in American history, when millions of Mexicans were deported. It was supposed to make me sad. I found it inspirational.

Hey, if we did it before we know we can do it again.


19 Comments on Mass Deportation – We Did It Once, We Can Do It Again

  1. Anyone caught here illegal should be deported with priority given to anyone committing a crime. Those with felonies should be dropped off in Paraguay. Those committing violent felonies should wake up next to a road in Somalia. Murderers,…..hung after trial! Enough of putting this on US Taxpayers!!

  2. Mass deportations have happened throughout history. Nothing new. We should deport the illegal alien invading rat-people with joy in our hearts and a song on our lips.

    We owe it to our children and our grandchildren.

  3. Yes.. lets not forget to be equally focused on the muslime cancer, the Somaliland savages, the Haitian filth, the Russian fraudsters. They are a cancer. All of them should be shipped to Somalia and Zimbabwe and maybe Burkina Faso.

    Brave New World and 1984 have arrived. The globalist left has leapt forward at an astonishing pace. The world’s borders are being eliminated. Cultures are being decimated.

    There is a logical next occurrence in the progression of things. The predictions and warnings from 70 years ago were mocked and ignored. They have been proven true. The predictions and warnings today are of a revolution and civil war where people try to salvage their culture and history. Is that where we are going and if so when will it finally break out??

  4. The author didn’t seem to have a problem with deporting Mexicans, just Mexican-Americans. Then at the end ties what Trump is doing to deporting Mexican-Americans.

    Let’s get it right: Deport Illegals. Just like every other country would do to an American trying to enter illegally.

    I think the author forgot what the point of the article was half way thru it, changed his mind, or saw a squirrel.

  5. deportation much easier than putting up with the endless crime, welfare fraud & the constant drain from the economy.
    round ’em up .. sort ’em out .. ship em back .. sooner the better .
    let them sort things out in their own lands .. i’m sick of the endless traffic accidents, daily warnings in my email about sex predators,
    latino music playing all the freakin’ time. the endless drunken
    muchachos displaying their unique culture .. ‘eff ’em FFS

  6. I was looking for the downside in the story.
    Couldn’t find it, maybe Larry can help?
    Being born here does not make you a citizen, if your parents are here illegally.
    Resident status, or naturalized, yes.
    Two Wongs don’t make a Wright.

  7. There is actually a second mass deportations in our history that should be repeated.

    That was the mass deportation of loyalists after the revolution. We should do this after every census to deport all of those who want an all powerful government instead of freedom. Anyone who has ANY problem with the Bill of Rights needs to go somewhere else.

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