Mass Evictions To Take Place in Detroit – IOTW Report

Mass Evictions To Take Place in Detroit


Wayne County’s tax foreclosure auction — the largest in North America — is stoking fears of widespread evictions in Detroit, where an estimated 8,000 of the 25,000 homes up for sale this month are occupied.

The online auction of properties with at least three years of delinquencies began in September and continues this month. But its full toll may take months to realize, when deeds are transferred, court hearings are exhausted and evictions are served.

That day of eviction after last year’s auction still haunts Cheryl West, who was kicked out of her home of 60 years in May after it was sold to a landlord to satisfy $15,600 in back taxes.

The day began with a morning knock on the door by a court officer and ended at sundown with her belongings in two Dumpsters.

“It was insanity. Pure hell,” said West, 68, a music teacher and former medical writer. “I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. … I’m afraid for a society that condones this sort of treatment of senior citizens.”


Where’s the dumbbell Mark Ruffalo (truly a dumb, dumb, dumb, man) to swoop in with his megaphone and say that not paying property taxes is a human right?

He already says that people in Detroit deserve access to water that they don’t pay for.

22 Comments on Mass Evictions To Take Place in Detroit

  1. First thing I thought was this is will be the people who screamed a couple of years ago that it was wrong someone shut their water off for not paying the water bill.
    My blood boils when I read about this attitude. Prioritize your
    life people. Pay real bills like utilities, rent etc before you get the latest iphone tat or hair weave. And the repo man won’t be knocking at your door

  2. God made the Universe, and the Earth in it, but for some unknown reason we have to pay the fucking local thieves for the right to own our own property.

    After a certain age, everyone should be exempt.

    I remember a bunch of years ago where some old fuck lost his home because of less than $100 “owed” to DC. They took his home and put him out on the street. I guess he died, I never heard any more about it.

    See, the real trick of “government” isn’t to get you to pay: it’s to get you to pay over and over again for nothing.

    If the mob did it, it’d be called “a protection racket” and be completely illegal.

  3. Pretty funny Bob. I wonder who’s worse in a gun fight, inner city thugs or the BLM? I can see the headlines now. “5000 rounds were exchanged to between Residents of Detroit and the BLM today resulting in one BLM Ranger with a gun shot to the foot. It was later discovered his injury was self inflicted.”

  4. Tim:

    See, the real trick of “government” isn’t to get you to pay: it’s to get you to pay over and over again for nothing.

    It’s called “rent seeking” but of course you know that.

    To collectivists, when the collective (e.g. govt) does it, it is virtuous, but when individuals or private corporations do it, it is vicious.

  5. I just looked at Detroit’s website for these auctions and the price tags *look* appealing until you read the rules. Not only must the buyer bring the derelict house up to code within 60 days, but they are also on the hook for any tax liens, back taxes, unpaid utility bills, etc. That alone could crank up the ownership cost a lot. Then you’ve got the cost of rehab, including all the city’s permits — which are probably ghastly. And if you look at some of the adjacent property ruins, you’d be living in a literal ghetto of transients, drug users, squatters and who knows who! Can you imagine having to lock down every single thing that has any sales value on your property? Living large? And talk about the neighborhood bbq’s, Christmas cookie exchanges and borrowing that cup of sugar. Wow!

  6. Who is buying these places, and WHY? Detroit properties are not worth even a tenth of their book value – thus the tax delinquencies. Detroit can’t support $700/month rents, thus the unpaid rent and evictions.

    Next, the empty rental units will be stripped of their wiring, plumbing, and anything else of value, and burned down.

    The city loses any potential tax revenue, and the landlord loses any potential rental income.

  7. They’ve been razing long-deserted sections of Detroit for years and “returning it to nature”. Actually human-occupied parts of Detroit are about a quarter of what they were a few decades ago. I read story about 5 years ago where a guy was telling about raccoon hunting in the deserted sections of Detroit and making a good living selling them in the black sections of town. He had over 200 recipes for cooking them.

    The first house demolished in the first phase of 10,0000 demolitions was the Romney Mansion.

  8. Now now now. Don’t complain. We need room for all of those dreamers and refugees and other invaders who are so much more important than you are. Don’t forget. Government is just those things we do together, now pack up and GTFO.

  9. Detroit’s primary problems:

    1. Run by ‘rats since 1961
    2 Its mayors


    Coleman Young — 1974 – 1994 (5 terms) “Young’s tenure as mayor has been blamed in part for the city’s ills, especially the exodus of middle class taxpayers to the suburbs, the emergence of powerful drug-dealing gangs, and the rising crime rate.[4] Political scientist James Q. Wilson wrote that, “In Detroit, Mayor Coleman Young rejected the integrationist goal in favor of a flamboyant, black-power style that won him loyal followers, but he left the city a fiscal and social wreck.”[5]

    In 1981, he received the Spingarn Medal from the NAACP.[6]” Young was a fellow traveler.

    Kwame Kilpatrick — 1997 – 2001 — Too much mayhem and corruption to list. See for yourselves:

    Dave Bing — 2009 – 2013 — “During his term as mayor of Detroit, the city became the largest city in U.S. history to declare bankruptcy.[15]” Approval rating 14%

  10. Maybe Soros will be brave enough to return to the US and go to Detroit to hand out money by the thousands…chancing arrest for warrants outstanding….or maybe NOT.

  11. There’s a solution for this and everyone else’s problem in Detroit: Get on to I-94 and drive, run, walk or hoof west until you get to Ann Arbor. Then get off at the State Street Exit, go north and then go to the first house or business you think would be suitable and demand G.M.S.. G.M.S. is an acronym for Gimmie My Stuff! Yep, just have the nice Ann Arborites supply you with all the crap you need to survive! Think i’m joking? Try living in that fruit pit yourselves.

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