Mass Shooting at Chicago Fourth of July Parade, Multiple People Shot – IOTW Report

Mass Shooting at Chicago Fourth of July Parade, Multiple People Shot

How can this be? They have strict gun control laws.


A Sun-Times reporter saw blankets placed over three bloodied bodies. Other people, running, were visibly bloodied. Police told people: “Everybody disperse, please. It is not safe to be here.”

Several witnesses said they heard multiple shots fired. One witness said he counted more than 20 shots.

Miles Zaremski, a Highland Park resident, told the Sun-Times: “I heard 20 to 25 shots, which were in rapid succession. So it couldn’t have been just a handgun or a shotgun.”

Zaremski said he saw “people in that area that got shot,” including “a woman covered with blood . . . She did not survive.”

Police were telling people: “Everybody disperse, please. It is not safe to be here.”

As they fled the parade route on Central Street in downtown Highland Park, parade-goers left behind chairs, baby strollers and blankets as they sought cover, not knowing just what happened. Even as people ran, a klezmer band, seemingly unaware of the gunfire, continued to play.

Police were patrolling the area with rifles, apparently looking for whoever fired the shots.

Adrienne Drell, a former Sun-Times reporter, said she was sitting on a curb along Central Avenue watching the parade when she saw members of the Highland Park High School marching band start to run.

“Go to Sunset,” Drell said she heard the students shout, directing people to nearby Sunset Foods.

A man picked her up off the curb and urged her to get out, Drell said.

“There’s panic in the whole town,” she said. “Everyone is just stunned beyond belief.”

She ran across to a nearby parking lot with other people who had been watching the parade.

Eric Trotter, 37, who lives blocks from the shooting, echoed that sentiment.

“I felt shocked,” Trotter said. “How could this happen in a peaceful community like Highland Park.”

Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he was “closely monitoring the situation in Highland Park” and that the Illinois State Police were on the scene.

The parade had a heavy presence of police and fire vehicles.

69 Comments on Mass Shooting at Chicago Fourth of July Parade, Multiple People Shot

  1. Hmm, moving into the burbs I see. Attacking a 4th of July parade in the burbs with tactical weapons. This could turn out to be something other than your normal hood rat shooter.

  2. Need more gun laws …..
    Wait …..
    Doesn’t Chicago already have some of the strictures gun laws in the country?
    Don’t they als lead the country in shootings?

  3. ….looks like the FBI is stepping it up, wonder who they set up to be their “killer” who’s dead hands the FBI sniper will put his AR in THIS time…

  4. Notice, before latest weapons push was mostly hand guns, now seems like the nuts have learned from the Dims constant schooling on weapons of war the use of armalite designed products is the big thing

  5. “White Male, 18-20, Long Black Hair”

    Did they provide a definition for male? Without that providing a definition, I can’t see how saying the suspect is male helps in any way to narrow down the pool of suspects.

  6. There will be many more shootings, some prior to midterms.

    They will not stop until we are fully disarmed. I put nothing past the cabal. They will continue to kill innocents until the outrage overwhelms our constitutiosl rights.

    So convenient that a “weapon” was “left” on sight. Bets it’s an AR 15.

    A “white” guy of course. You will note 90% of these shootings are in gun free zones.

  7. @BobM, Not Chicago, Highland Park a suburb. But of course your life is meaningless so all you know is trash & hate. A republican main course diet. Gun ban, not, idjit.

  8. This should be interesting. We know what’s coming next. The Retard will be on TV demanding we send every last AR in the United States to Ukraine because 6 white people were killed and 24 wounded. Mean while 20 miles away, as of this morning, 60 shot, 16 killed. A weekly occurrence. So what message are Libtards sending. It’s OK if the black community kiss each other, but not the whites.
    Rest assured they’re coming for the ARs again.

  9. PS
    If this would have happened in our county seat, Hangtown California, everyone in crowd would have returned fire. Including the old ladies.
    My bet on the weapon, Sub Sonic 300 black out with a can on it. Way beyond the average Libtards knowledge.

  10. “Parades make for easy targets, the left is inciting violence, and media are pouring gas on the fire.”

    Funny how nobody shot at the fag parades, though, ain’t it?
    I mean with all those cis-gendered “white” wing Christian haters and whatnot.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. @ joe6pak JULY 4, 2022 AT 5:06 PM

    We have just been treated to one Marxist/progressive Democrat politician or operative after another explaining away and encouraging violent response to recent SCOTUS decisions. Any Republican politician who fails to tie what they were up to in the run up to this event was obviously in on the entire operation.

    If this isn’t a planned and orchestrated event, they knew about it and allowed it to go down. Republicans who don’t call them out on what is documented their rhetoric has been in recent weeks aware every bit as much a part of it as the guy who pulled the trigger.

  12. 22 year old shooter identified. Robert “Bobby” Crimo III, white man who hates democrats. Sound familiar & still at large. I hope he puts up a gun fight & they end this waste of space.

  13. I haven’t seen any pictures of this useless POS wearing a MAGA hat. I saw a minute and a half video of him and that kid looks like a MK Ultra candidate.

  14. Gee, why do I get the feeling that Mark M, Christine, Raymond, Jeff B, and Jake, are all the same pimple-faced idiot, trolling from his mother’s basement? Maybe it’s the same disjointed syntax, the same misspellings, the same incoherent left-wing drivel?

  15. From the HeyJackass site:

    July to Date
    Shot & Killed: 12
    Shot & Wounded: 62
    Total Shot: 74
    Total Homicides: 12

    Summer of Joy (5/27 – 9/6)
    Shot & Killed: 89
    Shot & Wounded: 407
    Total Shot: 496
    Total Homicides: 95

    Year To Date
    Shot & Killed: 309
    Shot & Wounded: 1353
    Total Shot: 1662
    Total Homicides: 338
    So I see the fat slob governor of Illinois on T V all of a sudden moaning the blues about the poor people shot at the parade when this kind of crap goes on EVERY weekend in Chicago.

    Give me a break!

  16. But you left out number of mass shootings in all of America.
    308 so far this year. Those fake statistics are for Chicago.
    Highland Park is 25 miles north. See a real jackass can’t be trusted.

  17. Coordinated domestic terrorist attacks designed to seem random.
    Assisted by Fakebook – festering with antisocial psychopaths recruited/trained by an oligarchy determined to unarm law abiding citizens, resulting in the destruction of The United States of America.
    A Chicago suburb is just the latest – not the last.

  18. Only if you live in Illinois, you don’t so what is your point!
    Take you guns away? What your warehouse full of weapons, that Depends.
    Seen people are using that same exact excuse, but yet their guns are being used for murders.

  19. Randy, you must be a lib because your comment doesn’t make sense. What is the point you’re trying to make? You should work on your composition also. It’s tough to figure out what you’re trying to say.

  20. MK Ultra candidate. @Joe6Pak nailed it. Just like Uvalde & countless others. Highland Park is a pretty affluent suburb of Shitcago. The overlords are now sending their minions out of the cities, targeting more white people, because you know, they’re white. The biggest crime according to lefties, is being white. Even though most of them are white, as well. I read that the gunman had gained access to the roof by an “unsecured” ladder. Very convenient & not convincing. I would bet that ladder was not secured intentionally. It was just too easy, it seems. Be aware, my friends. Know your surroundings & don’t EVER forget to look up if you are in an area surrounded by buildings. Head on a swivel & armed at all times.The innocent people at that parade were such a soft target & the shooter knew that. Easy pickings.


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