Massachusetts Gun Store Owner Has A Message For The Governor – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Gun Store Owner Has A Message For The Governor

“I will stick to my guns.
I will stick to the Constitution which gives me every damn right to stay open,” Costa said.
“My boss, I have two leaders, God and Trump. No one else.”

He also had a little bit more to say. Read about it here

17 Comments on Massachusetts Gun Store Owner Has A Message For The Governor

  1. I posted this last night on a different thread. Maybe someone swooping in here will read it and think about it:


    Fifth Amendment:

    “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”

    So we have many Governors who have violated The Constitution Of The United States during this so called pandemic.

    How do we go about addressing this grievance? Sue our States? Ask Congress to intervene and stop it? Ask the President to instruct the Department Of Justice to file charges against States? What?

    We have been gravely wronged.

  2. We’re fortunate to live in a country where the government still gives a large number of the people permission to obtain and keep a gun.

    That is, of course, changing daily so check with local authorities to see if you still qualify to have one where you live.

  3. Y’know it’s kinda funny – Taxachusetts used to be full up of MEN – now, when one raises his voice, it’s NEWS!

    Pretty fuckin pathetic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. these dictator wannabe’s never seem to take human nature into account when they make their proclamations.

    Americans don’t like to be told what they can and cannot do.

    even the liberals, who claim to know what’s best for everyone else and think they can dictate to the plebes, don’t like being told what they can do.

    the governors have overreached big time

  5. @2A4ever -just one cop? Ha they will need an entire militarized squad, maybe more than that. And even then, I put my money on the store owner and his employees…

    I know what ya meant though!

  6. No, no. And NO. The US Constitution does not give us the right or the permission to own firearms. [Or the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (property)]. It attempts to protect our God-given, natural rights to them. It was a mistake to call the first 10 Amendments “The Bill of Rights”. That name gives the impression rights are granted to us by government. A better name would be “The Bill of Protected Rights.”

    The first 10 Amendments are instead [The Bill of Government Restrictions Against Infringing on Our Rights”]. Don’t let the wannabe tyrants believe they have the power to grant rights. [Which they clearly now have and are using]. And don’t let the citizens believe government grants rights. It’s a subtle but important distinction to keep in mind. Or the mind set becomes – we don’t have rights (freedoms) not specifically granted by government.


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