Massachusetts Welfare Recipients Are Spending EBT on Tropical Vacations – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Welfare Recipients Are Spending EBT on Tropical Vacations


Massachusetts welfare recipients have been using their EBT cards while on tropical vacations to Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and other trips thousands of miles away from their home state, an investigation by the Boston Herald revealed

Public records obtained by the outlet showed dozens of EBT card expenditures at several popular vacation destinations, including California, Florida, and Alaska, as well numerous holiday islands. read more

13 Comments on Massachusetts Welfare Recipients Are Spending EBT on Tropical Vacations

  1. Maine ebt cards can be taken to an atm and used to take cash out.
    The Africans do it during the first week of every month.
    They can be used out of state and at casinos.
    It probably goes on in many states.
    The whole system is crooked and the wimps in governing bodies are to wussy to do anything about it.

  2. In line at the grocery store we were watching two obvious democrats, both pretty rough. Filthy, skinny women with sunken dark eyes was obviously into drugs. (Gawd only knows what’s been into her mother). They each had at least 5 EBT cards. With jaw hitting the floor, glaring at them was an automatic response. They weren’t concerned. They’d use what was left on one card then hand over another card, punch in a new PIN. Checker said this happens all the time. One more reason why our country is going broke. Losers who take from society and vote for a living outnumber those of us give to society and work for a living.

  3. I’m old enough to remember when they gave you a 10 pound block of government cheese and a gallon can of peanut butter.
    They eat food from the food banks and use EBT to buy Escalades and take vacations.

  4. It’s absolutely insane. But it’s simply that the US government is in control of people who are doing Cloward-Piven strategy – and with our money. And apparently there is nothing we can do about it.

  5. “… and any out-of-state usage beyond approved temporary absences can result in an individual no longer receiving assistance…”

    Yeah, right. Like that is ever going to happen. Got to keep the dindus voting blue!

  6. Another thing that gets me when Im behind them in line they’re buying lobster, steak, ice cream and then some sugary cereal. I had one gal that wanted to pay for my food so in return she could get cigarettes.
    Most are way overweight, all the finest people.

  7. Back in the 80’s when my wife and I were younger and had small kids and needed some help we got some govt. cheese and some help to get us thru a tough stretch. It helped but I didn’t like the stigma attached with it. One time I was standing in line next to 2 idiots who claimed that Ronald Reagan was the antichrist because Reagan’s full name of Ronald Wilson Reagan came out to 666, I couldn’t believe these dumbasses could be that stupid. I don’t want to be on the govt. dole and be beholden to them for anything, it sucks.


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