Massive tornado touches down in Nebraska – IOTW Report

Massive tornado touches down in Nebraska

9 Comments on Massive tornado touches down in Nebraska

  1. It was pretty dicey here, today, as well.

    It rained like Noe was coming. The pond overflowed and the creek is many feet over its margents.

    Good on them for doing the work to help.

    I guess I will avoid Z highway for a few weeks. I’ve seen Z highway with 350 yards of water across it.

  2. It passed just to the northwest of our home.

    It went right over the top of a good friends home. Luckily, he was still at work. I’m hoping they will let me in today to start helping him secure his house and get some of the trees cut up, but they have the area secured to prevent looting right now.

    It was a bad one.

  3. We got hit by a small one last August. Still doing clean up work. I could split and stack wood for a week and maybe make a dent.

    It could be far far worse. The house across the road from us was declared uninhabitable. They razed it and are completely rebuilding. Sure I guess it’s nice to have all new but your home is your safe haven. Or it was anyway
    … and for this family it was for 40+ years.

  4. This touched down near my sister in law’s house.
    I’ve been following the storm systems through Ryan Hall Y’all’s channel and his storm chasers were saying this was one of the most photogenic tornadoes of their careers.
    I’m not sure what makes a tornado photogenic or if nature even has that much vanity to care, but that was a decent size twister.
    Prayers for all those affected, it’s probably left a lot of damage in it’s wake.


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