Matt Gaetz Exposes John Dean For the Hack He Is – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz Exposes John Dean For the Hack He Is

John Dean has accused Reagan/Bush/Trump for being “just like Nixon,” but never a dem.

23 Comments on Matt Gaetz Exposes John Dean For the Hack He Is

  1. G. Gordon Liddy used to love to expose this rat fink. He’s like one of those weasely characters in movies and shows who are always ready to turn on his buddies for a price.
    I love that the R’s confronted him and made the Dimms look like the tools they are.

  2. Hello Nadler. What a farce. What a black joke. John Dean looked good whenever he was asked any questions by Nadler’s nattering nabobs of negativism, but Dean looked like a felonious failure whenever he was questioned by the Republicans. He has a track record that most disbarred attorneys would be ashamed of, but this is a period in our country’s history when Michael Avenatti and Michael Cohen are presented as serious commentators about the legality of all things Trump. Oh, the Criminality!

  3. I heard John Dean once saw an appendectomy scar. Maybe we could get him to remove Nadlers appendix. What a frikken joke. The world headquarters for Mueller Brass is in my town. Maybe I should testify.🤔

  4. @Bobcat

    Yeah, I know, they ain’t got dick, no evidence and certainly no national sentiment to impeach. It’s just so funny, that turd Nadler brings a convicted felon, convicted of actually obstructing justice, to testify at a fact finding hearing about the Mueller report, which somehow in their deluded minds will implicate the president. Who’s next in this farcical parade, Martha Stewart?

  5. @ Rich Taylor

    You mention the smellocrats ad nauseam
    bleaking of some aethereal
    constitutional duty as proclaimed by
    stupid – ass Cherry Nadler

    Why does NO ONE demand
    fat pig Nadler actually CITE
    that specific supposed duty !


    It only exists in the minds of
    stupid – ass power drunk pigs like

  6. Wasn’t his wife, Maureen “Mo”, implicated in some sort of D.C. prostitution thing being run by the D’s that was exposed during the Watergate hearings?

  7. @ Dan Ryan Galt

    You’re right
    I remember that too and
    She appeared to be beautiful
    She was nothing but a

    I have more respect for the
    streetwalkers who don’t try to
    pretend they’re anything different.

  8. It was Jim Jordon who put this asshole Dean to bed, not
    Matt Gaetz. Mrs Dean was hot in Playboy years ago. The little whinney prick couldn’t handle her.
    He’s a real whimp. A nobody.

  9. i wattched them both but Jim Jordan beat the living tar out of dean and ol’ nads looked like a pile of ignorance sitting in Jims shadow.

    Jordan is most impressive to watch compared to any other congressman.

  10. This is like watching the Walking Dead. (I think, I’ve never watched the show)
    The dems are digging up zombies in their attempt to damage PDJT. It’s a desperation plan.

  11. AA,
    Yes, his wife was allegedly a prostitute – and there was a theory that that was the underlying motive for the whole Watergate brouhaha.

    All Nixon was ever “guilty” of was his unwavering loyalty to subordinates.

    izlamo delenda est …


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