Matt Gaetz is Horrified To Learn During Hearing That the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber Doesn’t Even Know Where Hunter Biden Laptop Is – IOTW Report

Matt Gaetz is Horrified To Learn During Hearing That the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber Doesn’t Even Know Where Hunter Biden Laptop Is

22 Comments on Matt Gaetz is Horrified To Learn During Hearing That the Assistant Director of FBI Cyber Doesn’t Even Know Where Hunter Biden Laptop Is

  1. ..’c’mon, Matt, drop the act.

    The FBI has been in the business of collecting and destroying evidence against Democrats at LEAST since the day Trump was elected and they were horrifed about how sloppy Democrats were about hiding their crimes.

    That’s why the they needed Mueller. To give them cover to seize and destroy all the Democrat secrets before a President they didn’t control could investigate them.

    It worked out so well, they continue it to this day.

    …so really, Matt, not sure how sincere you are or if it’s just an act, but unless you’ve been paying no attention at ALL, you cannot be any more shocked to find that the FBI “loses” evidence against Democrats than Captain Renault was to “suddenly” discover gambling at Rick’s place in Casablanca.

    Its just Democrats doing what Democrats do.

    Again, their version of the law comes not from the Constitution, but from Alistair Crowley, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”.

    They own the voting machines and the courts, and have corrupted every single institution.

    You’re bot stupid, Matt.

    You KNOW this.

    Only one way out now.

    And it ain’t your controlled opposition committee.

  2. But I thought Hunter Biden’s laptop was in the process of being forensically inspected right now — by people. What’s the deal?

    The FBI witness is openly hostile to being questioned. If there was a sign language interpreter, he/she would just be giving the middle finger to Gaetz and the committee the whole time.

  3. They know exactly where it’s at. Right where they hid it. Down in the basement next to Jimmy Hoffa’s casket.
    If they claim the lost it, they don’t need to deal with it.

  4. @RepGaetz. — Your questioning there was off the mark. Maybe your IT staff should have assisted with framing the question. Try this next time. “Has anyone from the cyber division reviewed the laptop, that has privileged access to government systems, to determine if it had been compromised by a foreign entity? “. That would fall under the purview of the cyber division. Maybe next time……

  5. When the Republicans win the House next year, they’d BETTER do the SAME shutdown crap to the Demoncrats as has been done to them for two years – and every other year they were in control.

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