Maxine Waters Interfered In A Routine Traffic Stop – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Interfered In A Routine Traffic Stop

Washington Times

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters intervened in a police traffic stop involving a black man in her home state of California.

Waters, 81, who is black, pulled her car over and got out when she saw law enforcement officers had stopped a man in Los Angeles, according to TMZ. More

The grandstanding member of congress from California apparently blocked a traffic lane with this stunt and was told to move her vehicle or be ticketed. More

22 Comments on Maxine Waters Interfered In A Routine Traffic Stop

  1. We’re told continually and vociferously that racial profiling is bad bad bad. But isn’t what Mad Max did racial profiling? She made an assumption about the legitimacy of the traffic stop based solely on the race of the driver.

    Do you suppose there’s any way to get traffic cops to begin aggressive Congressional profiling?

  2. Send a forensic accountant over to her house, office & Bank safety deposit box since she is so interested in justice.

    and too bad an undocumented drunk driver didn’t plow her car to oblivion.

  3. She stopped because she saw a “brother.” What a racist comment. As Greg Gutfeld said, “I have more in common with successful black people than I do with any white, elitist, losers.” And I have more in common with the hard-working officer doing his job than I do with this racist excuse for a Congresswoman trying to throw here title around.

  4. I’m not a cop or an attorney, but I believe interfering with a police officer is still a crime, even in California. And refusing to sign a citation is grounds for arrest in some areas. Any white person would have been so charged. More black privilege.


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