Maxine Waters Punked By Russian Comedy Pranksters – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Punked By Russian Comedy Pranksters

Maxine Waters thinks she is talking to the Prime Minister of the Ukraine.

ht/ meerkat

My nephew (who sent this to me) tells me that it was done by a Russian comedy team, Vovan & Lexus. – Meerkat

28 Comments on Maxine Waters Punked By Russian Comedy Pranksters

  1. “The great, grey-green, greasy Limpopo river”. I Remember my mom reading me “Just So” stories. I did not know he Russians were fans of Kipling. Obviously, Maxine’s mom never read Kipling to her.

  2. They really spoke to the ditz, or was that an impersonator? It’s astounding how stupid she is, if it is her!!! I knew she was dumb, but wasn’t aware she needs a keeper! THST is the caliber of people running this country. It’s horrific!

  3. The Oroville Dam situation is what happens when morons elect people like max waters to oversee gov’t. Responsible intelligent gov’t leaders will recognize the need to invest tax $$ in infrastructure maintenance. Math-challenged dimwits like max will say screw that, what is infrastructure, what we need are more handouts to single mothers and illegals.

  4. There is a nice story in verses for children by Korney Chukovskiy that many generations of Russian children like, called “Barmaley”. Barmaley lives in Africa near Limpopo and eats people. Two Russian children disobey parents and travel to Africa, everything goes fine until they meet Barmaley who wants to eat them. But then doctor Aybolit who cured in another story many animals in Africa (“Ay, bolit” means “Ay, it hearts!”) comes and with danger for his life and help of a crocodile saves the children. Barmaley is won. He changes for better and never eats children any more, so they take him to Leningrad with them.

  5. Good lord what would you expect, Mad Maxine thinks we planted the flag on Mars.

    I’d pay big coin to sponsor an evening of debate between the entire Black Congressional Caucus members and designate Mad Max, Hank Guam and Go Gaytah Corrine Brown as moderators.
    BTW haven’t heard Keith Ellison denounce David Duke’s endorsement. How will
    MSNBC/CNN and Whitelash Van Jones spin that? Me thinks DD is trolling him.

  6. He gives her to name of the two comedians Vovan and Lexus as the master “hackers” of the election systems!!!!!

    When Sheila Jackson Lee sees that Maxine Wateronthebrain upstaged her, look for Ms. Lee to go lower, much lower. She’s liable to have a seance and contact Fidel Castro.

    Notice that she meets these made-up revelations with an equally made-up awareness of these events, so as not to look stupid. And, she even says Russia Today preempted her C-SPAN feed.


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