The intersection of Islam and Feminism is at the corner of Monster and Moron Roads – IOTW Report

The intersection of Islam and Feminism is at the corner of Monster and Moron Roads

Professor defends rape culture and slavery because Muhammad condoned it.


Two things

1. This comes from the account of Umar Lee, a Muslim student who was offended by how far Jonathan Brown went in defending slavery and rape.

2. In the era of the campus trigger warning, rape culture and renaming buildings named after slave owners, Brown offered a spirited defense of slavery and rape.

“Consent isn’t necessary for lawful sex” said Professor Jonathan Brown of Georgetown University.

Shortly after I asked Brown my questions about his defense of slavery a woman seated in front of me asked about the permissibility of sex with slaves. Brown emphatically stated consent is a modern Western concept and only recently had come to be seen as necessary (perhaps around the time feminism began to take root and women decided they wanted autonomy over their bodies). Brown went on to elaborate consent wasn’t necessary to moral and ethical sex and that the morality of sex is dependent on the lawfulness of the sex-partner and not consent upholding the verdict that marital-rape is an invalid concept in Islam.

That’s certainly an Islamist view. Not one that is considered remotely acceptable in modern society. And yet the odds of Brown being forced out for airing is virtually nil.

“It’s not immoral for one human to own another human” Brown stated in his clearest defense of slavery. Brown went onto state that being an employee is basically the same as being a slave…

Abraham Lincoln would beg to differ. But this is the logical end result of the various attempts to explain how slavery and sex slavery under Islam were really much nicer than in the West. Brown just took the deranged apologetics to their logical horrifying conclusion.

Umar Lee posted this screenshot from Brown’s Facebook page in which he declares that

“it’s not possible to say that slavery is inherently absolutely categorically immoral in all times and places since it was allowed by the Quran and the Prophet”


“Slave women do not have agency over their sexual access, so their owner can have sex with them.”

Brown’s problem here is obvious. If Mohammed allowed slavery, it can’t be wrong. Ditto for rape. He has to find a way to justify an Islamic practice by attacking our value system.

” Slave rape’ is a tough term to decipher from a Shariah perspective. A male owner of a female slave has the right to sexual access to her. Though he could not physically harm her without potentially being held legally accountable if she complained, her ‘consent’ would be meaningless since she is his slave.”

You can expect feminist protests on campus around roughly… never.


17 Comments on The intersection of Islam and Feminism is at the corner of Monster and Moron Roads

  1. “Sexual access” ?? Why use one clear word, “rape” when two politically correct words will obscure? No wonder the bobble-headed feminazis are confounded. Sexual Access isn’t a term on their list of trigger words.

  2. I’m sure there have been many deep and profound quotations concerning the investment in a collage education. But I never thought, “A fool and his money are soon parted”, would ring the most true.

  3. @charlie – yep – the same people who wanted God removed from schools because of separation of “Church and State” have no problem with islam being taught in schools and forcing businesses to accommodate their religious rituals and demands.

  4. @gladys, my wife teaches at a private Christian school. The kids that are rescued from public ed enter 6th grade at her school and they have a 4th grade or worse match scores. _Public ed is dumbed down.

  5. This guy is a sick puppy. (I said puppy because I know if I use the term “sick p*ssy, I’ll wake up tomorrow to find a herd of militant, unshaved, five foot pink genitalia picketing me on my driveway. I’m too vulnerable to survive a snatch attack like that.)

  6. just like the idiots that protest about “immigrants”, but won’t take one into their homes, I wonder how many of these disingenuous “perfessers” would accept a free plane ticket to Libya, Sudan, Yemen or Syria and teach their shit over there!
    Oh… and don’t fergit to wear a yarmulke jackass!

  7. …and Milo causes riots.

    Trump won, so its getting better than before, and there is hope. But I’m still pissed off at the coordinated effort, all around the country, to neuter him, and, as the Antifa A-holes say, make the country ungovernable. I can’t wait

  8. The only intersection between feminism and Islam is the overlap of people who see both as effective weapons against their own enemies. But “marital rape”? That’s so far away from a “hill for an argument to die on” that it’s not even “a hill to land your flying unicorn to fart on”.

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