Maxine Waters Terrorist Charged For Threatening To Kill Pro-Life Congressman – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Terrorist Charged For Threatening To Kill Pro-Life Congressman

WJ: A New Jersey man with a long criminal record has been arrested and charged with threats against pro-life Congressman Chris Smith.

The New Jersey Republican said he and his staff have been targets in recent years, linking the attacks to his pro-life stance, Life News reported.

Dereal Finklin, 43, an enrolled Democrat from East Orange, New Jersey, is being held in the Monmouth County Jail after allegedly threatening Smith’s life via social media, according to the Asbury Park Press.  more

5 Comments on Maxine Waters Terrorist Charged For Threatening To Kill Pro-Life Congressman

  1. Maxine Waters is baiting, encouraging and inciting anyone of her loosely marbled constituents to terrorize, harass or better yet kill any conservative they happen upon. She must be proud to have enlisted Dereal Finklin as a Maxine Waters Warrior/honorable mention winner. Atta girl Waters, lock and load blood and guts…

  2. Treason, Sedition, Inciting Riot, Fomenting Insurrection, Instigating Murder – stuff like that used to be crimes.

    Wonder what happened?
    Ya think we’re just too ignorant to understand?
    Too much of that “I feel” bullshit? Sort of: “I don’t feel like Mad Max actually did anything wrong. She didn’t pull the trigger herself.”

    I don’t know – but these deranged imbeciles seem to be getting out of hand – at least that’s the way “I feel!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Remember Hitler did not pull the trigger himself; he just got his toadies to murder 6 million Jews.
    Maxine, divine justice will catch up with you, here or in the hereafter (hopefully both).


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