Maybe Ted Cruz Hasn’t Paid His Taxes in 10 Years? Dingy Harry Doesn’t Need To Inquire While the Right, For Now, Does It For Him – IOTW Report

Maybe Ted Cruz Hasn’t Paid His Taxes in 10 Years? Dingy Harry Doesn’t Need To Inquire While the Right, For Now, Does It For Him

Torey Dawn addresses the circular firing squad that Ted Cruz finds himself in, because, it’s circular firing squad season.


31 Comments on Maybe Ted Cruz Hasn’t Paid His Taxes in 10 Years? Dingy Harry Doesn’t Need To Inquire While the Right, For Now, Does It For Him

  1. That’s pretty silly, Tim. He took a risk (like anyone who invested in the market to grow his assets in the first place) and he made a good investment because he won his Senate race. That’s not dumb or arrogant. That’s using what he had to work with.

  2. Ditto. Way back in a previous life I was a capital equipment salesman for a major corporation; I was fortunate to be sent to some very good sales seminars. One of the first things I was taught was that you sell your product on its merits rather than denigrate the competition. Obviously, you want to show that yours is superior, but not by bad mouthing; it looks cheap and desperate.

  3. Cruz’s eligibility is a non issue for me but the point Trump was initially making was valid. That is, lets get it settled now rather then later especially should Cruz secure the nomination. I think Trump has gone a bit off the rails with these latest “Canadian” attacks.


    The G/S non reported loan is troubling as is the second one. While Cruz was railing against the unfair advantage the DC insiders have, he was using that very same insider status.

    But for me, the real Ted Cruz comes out as he made a conscious decision to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the GOPe. He was made vice chairman of the NRSC. He was on board as the NRSC spend a lot of cash running ads in MS calling McDanial a racist and urging blacks to cross party lines to vote for Cochran.

    He also did not campaign for one conservative candidate in 2014.

    A much more detailed run up to his hypocrisy is at The CTH

    Honest to God, if you can read this and still support Cruz, I have to question your sanity.

  4. Honest to God, if you can read this and still support Cruz, I have to question your sanity.>>>

    And I can say that supporting Trump, who likes Kelo v. New London, a decision that renders the United States on par with a Banana Republic, and usurps one of the utmost bedrock founding principles, property rights, makes a person a loon.

    But Trump is far better than Sanders, who will make Kelo v. New London moot because he supports transferring property rights directly to the state, cutting out the private owner completely.

    So why would I ratfuck Trump when he and Cruz and Rubio seem to be the only game in town?

    Why would I turn off independent voters with my disparaging rhetoric?
    What if Cruz is the nominee? How has your comment serviced us?

    I’m really getting depressed by this.

  5. As Torey Dawn said, there’s a list of accusations in waiting. In reality, Ted Cruz, in his role as the vice-chair of NRSC outreach, only was involved in non-incumbent races. Those were his terms for the job. And this race was off limits for him. However, he went right on Mark Levin and called for an full investigation of the Cochran/McDaniel race. There are lots of articles too. I know a certain website is spreading these fabrications, and when faced with the facts, its master goes ballistic. But let’s try to be honest about the records of all of our candidates. No, Cruz couldn’t overturn the stolen election, but he made his mark against McConnell, Barbour and the other corrupt politicians.

  6. I’ll choke it down and vote for Cruz if he wins but for me it’s another fucking shit sammich. This coming from some one that was an avid Cruz supporter from the first time I heard him on Levin. But ever since he was the first to announce there has been a steady dripdripdrip of things he’s done coming to light.

    For sure Trump has skeletons, big bony fucking skeletons. But RIGHT NOW he has been directly addressing solutions that might, and that’s a big might, start to turn this nightmare around. Yes Kelo, yes “NY values, yes yes yes, he’s had views I’m not within a million miles of. But NOW, he’s putting it to the GOPe & the CofC

    Further, Cruz seeing the light on immigration sure as hell didn’t happen until well after Trump put them front and foremost. Compare and contrast each’s announcing for the run. Trump came out of the gate with both guns blazing-you know it, I know it. Cruz? Platitudes. Cruz has been playing catch up ever since.

    Let me put it this way. Let’s say Trump wasn’t in the mix at all. I would be ill thinking the best I could hope for would be a Glenn Beck ally.

    As for riverlike-callie, I’m sorry you feel that way about a site that has a great rep for laying out the facts.

  7. I like the Treehouse. I really enjoy the articles and I never judge a blogsite by all the comments posted.

    I was a Cruz fan for a while. I’d still vote for him should he win the nomination, but the more I learn about him, the less I like. Maybe it’s the lawyeresque evasiveness that has turned me off at times.

    Say what you want about Trump, but at least I know he isn’t in debt to others for campiagn finance. I ‘ll take my chances.

  8. Yes I read the article. Guess what? I’ll bet you more than 50% of Americans still believe Sarah Palin said she can see Russia from her house.
    My point, this is the crap Ted Cruz is going to face – true or false. Trump, since he leads the polls, has been dealing with this crap for 6 months from all ends and is still going strong and getting stronger. Trump has to endure lies from Glenn Beck (Beck posted a fake Trump tweet supporting Obama) and the establishment.
    My support for Trump was tentative at first. I hate what he did to Pamela Geller (still do). I hate the Kelo stance. I’ve said many times I think Trump is a pompous ass. I don’t worship Trump.
    I’ve met Cruz in a very intimate meeting (with Pamela Geller). Cruz was my number one guy before Trump.
    Right now, if either one wins the nomination and takes the White House I will be one very happy American citizen.
    My opinion, I support Trump over Cruz because I think he can easily win the election and he simultaneously sticks it up the establishment GOP hacks asses. Cruz has the tougher hill to climb.

    I’ve asked this question MANY TIMES – if you could show me (numbers, graphs, state by state analysis, electoral college stats) how Cruz has the better chance of winning the White House over Trump I’d throw my full support behind Cruz.
    No one has convince me yet.
    Until then, I’m backing Trump first, Cruz second. And I’m hoping Cruz supporters would say vice-versa.

  9. These two candidates should stop attacking each other and concentrate on our real enemies: Democrats, “progressives,” socialists, statists, one-worlders, muzzies and RINOs.
    And Hillary.
    It beats the shit out of me why that walking petri dish is not breaking rocks at Leavenworth.

    And after the election, the winner might address some of the damage perpetrated by the current marionette in chief.

  10. I agree, for the reasons you stated.
    At the very least, Trump has blown this wide open. Before he appeared as a candidate the GOPe was prepared to back either jeb or Christie, which would insure a victory for cankles.

    And how in God’s Green Earth did they let Mitt lose to barry?

  11. I listened to the whole sermon by Mr. Cruz in your link and that is among the most sound biblical teaching I have heard. He quoted straight from the Bible and backed it up. He never once mentioned his son Ted Cruz and he actually taught the opposite of what the author of this article is saying. I challenge any born again Christian to listen to Mr. Cruz’s sermon and find anything un-biblical about it. The author at your link is totally lost and deceived and I would challenge him to prove the disparaging remarks he wrote about Ted Cruz and his father.

  12. PLEASE – SOMEONE tell me how Cruz wins the general election? I want to be convinced to join the Cruz train. Don’t tell me his positions – I love them.
    I want a detailed analysis – STATE BY STATE Electoral College – how Cruz wins the general election.

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