Maybe This Will Help Convince the Hollywood Crowd Their Defense of the “Religion of Peace” is a Farce – IOTW Report

Maybe This Will Help Convince the Hollywood Crowd Their Defense of the “Religion of Peace” is a Farce

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: While the Hollywood elite turn a blind eye to the throwing of gays off of buildings, genital mutilations, rape of children, blood lust, slavery, the oppression of women and the destruction of many ancient culturally historical sites, all while saying “The Religion of Peace” poses no threat to America, the Islamic State has thrown a gut punch into the belly of sacred Hollywood produced American Culture. They have attacked the Western Cultural Icons, Mickey Mouse and Tom & Jerry!  MORE

A school in East-Mosul. IS (Daesh) obliterated the faces of the cartoon characters to remove western influence on the children. East-Mosul, Iraq, 11 April 2017. (Photo by Noe Falk Nielsen/NurPhoto)

12 Comments on Maybe This Will Help Convince the Hollywood Crowd Their Defense of the “Religion of Peace” is a Farce

  1. Islam had not been hijacked by extremists. Islam has hijacked 23% of the world population and, by their own definition, Islam = fundamentalism.

    Those who excuse the scourge of Islam are the greatest enemy to the survival of our children. Without them in the way, we would stand a chance against this religion of the devil.

  2. We better eradicate these roaches posing as humans before they get their hands on something biological and the next people to walk our streets will be paleontologists from some visiting explorers from some other star system.

  3. I wonder how many Hollywood award shows and synagogues the muslims will have to blow up before Hollywood changes their tune.

    We’re probably going to find out over the next decade.

  4. I watched Tom & Jerry from age 6, and still haven’t chopped off even one Head.
    Could it be watching Mommy Knife Sissy’s privates, or Daddy Chopping Mommy’s Head off for doing it wrong is setting a bad example ?
    Do they even know they worship Satan ? Is this reality or are we dreaming ?.

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