Maybe Trump Could Have Stopped 9/11 – IOTW Report

Maybe Trump Could Have Stopped 9/11

Over A Year Before 9/11, Trump Wrote Of Terror Threat With Remarkable Clarity

“I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers.”

13 Comments on Maybe Trump Could Have Stopped 9/11

  1. If you haven’t figured this out yet, Trump is way smarter than his opponents or the people who cover him.

    Even when he looks like he’s going off half-cocked, he knows what he’s up to. He is laying traps.

    And Yeb! steps in them, every single time.

  2. A LOT of people were saying similar things at the time. However, Trump may have been the only one them with enough prestige and leverage to have gotten something more done about it than just talking. Or maybe not. We’ll never know.

  3. Chief, I’m feeling like Mutt to your Jeff this morning.

    Not only is he laying traps, but I recognized this particular style a while back. (Early in my working life I was a corporate contract negotiator for a mega bank corp. I wrote and negotiated system-wide contracts for technology and technology services for ten years. This was back in the days before the whole “win/win” thing in negotiating. One had to be a vendor beater in order to move up the ladder. Scalps and heads on pikes — that sort of thing. We got to the win/win thing later.)

    Trump is playing the “dumb ‘ol country boy” thing to the hilt! He is drawing out all the “smart” boys and girls who love to show off how much smarter they are with all their mocking and political pedigrees. You either have to be a neophyte with natural “dumbness” (but with a brain to expose the right issues) or you have to be a master strategist. So far, all Trump does is make one-liners and then sits back to watch the floor show. And what a show it is! My boss was one of the best at this! He’d grow wide-eyed, spread his hands out in a gesture of appeal and the next thing you know all the junior lawyers for the other side were climbing all over each other helping him “understand.” In every instance, they overplayed their hand and had to concede on whatever point boss was making.

    I’d vote for Trump just because he is making politics fun again.

  4. Regarding “getting things done”, it would be interesting to see Hillary Rotten Clinton campaign against Trump on that topic. Like “hope & change”, “getting things done” doesn’t mean much without substance, but Trump has a rich resume of desired business results achieved. HRC has a checkered resume and a general aura of evil surrounds her.

  5. I really don’t know Mutt and Jeff’s characters — I said that because I was giving you props in an earlier thread about Trump, too. 🙂

    Thanks for your kind compliment. I’m really enjoying Trump’s campaign. I can’t say the sentence, “Donald J. Trump’s first SOTU”, without breaking into hysterical laughter. Try it.

  6. He clearly knows what’s what in the world of islam …

    “Our teenage boys fantasize about Cindy Crawford; young terrorists fantasize about turning an American city (and themselves) into charcoal,” Trump wrote.

    Easy vote decision right there.

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