Mayor Antifa finds someone he hates more than the Jews – IOTW Report

Mayor Antifa finds someone he hates more than the Jews

Patriot Retort: Mayor Antifa has a murder epidemic on his hands.

On Sunday, in broad daylight and caught on video, a man was gunned down while walking down the sidewalk with his 4-year-old daughter.  His murder was just one of eight that happened in NYC over the July 4th weekend when forty-nine people in total were shot.

After the deadliest June since 1996, you’d think the guy in charge of New York City would be focused like a laser on the daily shootings and killings happening under his watch.

But Mayor Antifa has bigger fish to fry – namely a random white woman who was caught on camera calling the police on a black man in Central Park.

In what can only be described as totally misguided priorities, New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance announced yesterday that this “Central Park Karen” will be prosecuted for “falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.”

The woman’s life has already been destroyed thanks to the social media mob.  But, hey, it isn’t as if the DA’s office has anything more important to focus on. more

12 Comments on Mayor Antifa finds someone he hates more than the Jews

  1. “The woman’s life has already been destroyed thanks to the social media mob.”

    That doesn’t matter. If she were dead they’d burn her a piss on her ashes.

  2. Can we be far from total anarchy in the
    big Demo cities LA NY CHI DET PHIL ETC ???
    Katy bar the doors! cause they be comin’
    your way and theyz be hungry & angry…

  3. …Cyrus Vance, huh? That name sounds kinda Carter Administration-y to me, hmm…

    …well, that was Cyrus Vance SR, the dad of the dickhead attorney and Carter’s Secretary of State, and what a boost THAT guy gave American prestige and power…

    ..Iran’s Ayatollahs give you a big thumbs-up for 40 great years of terrorism, they couldn’t have done it WITHOUT you…

    …so misplaced priorities and high evil tolerance kind of run in the family. Like father, like son, who skipped over prosecuting Wiestein for rapes in 2015 but is pathologically facinated with Donald Trump’s tax returns to this day…

    …wotta guy…I sense no political axe here…

  4. That was a hit, plain and simple. Gangs or drugs or both. Revenge? Maybe the guy wanted out?? Not sure.

    The car drove up, this time and not a ‘drive by’, the driver stopped and the passenger took the deliberate shot. The guys in the car do not give a shit about the child or the guy on the bicycle in front of the bodega.

    They made the U turn and drove away.

    Horrible for that little girl. She ran away for her life. Now she had to bury her father?

  5. The real travesty is that scum like Mayor Deblozo despite his bumbling mismanagement and unconstitutional abuse will never see the inside of a jail cell for his criminality.
    He lays waste to a city and then skips away without ever being held to account.
    I’d love to see scum like this thrown to the angry crowds and torn to shreds.

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