McCain Associate Who Handled Dossier Asks Judge To Seal Deposition – IOTW Report

McCain Associate Who Handled Dossier Asks Judge To Seal Deposition

He’s afraid he’ll be ‘hounded by the press’.  That’s a shame.

Daily Caller: An associate of Arizona Sen. John McCain’s who handled the dossier is asking a federal judge to block the release of a videotape and transcript of a deposition he recently gave in a lawsuit related to the salacious document.


David Kramer, a former State Department official and former director at the McCain Institute for International Leadership, filed a motion in federal court in Florida asking a judge for a protective order to block the public release of his deposition.

Kramer was deposed last month by lawyers for a Russian businessman suing BuzzFeed News for publishing the dossier. The lawyers for the businessman, Aleksej Gubarev, are interested in Kramer because he is one of just a few people known to have handled the dossier after it was completed by former British spy Christopher Steele and before its Jan. 10, 2017 publication.  more here

15 Comments on McCain Associate Who Handled Dossier Asks Judge To Seal Deposition

  1. He should get the same consideration that Jack and Jeri Ryan got when they begged a California Judge not to order the opening of their Child Custody Agreement agreed to as part of their divorce. The Judge (a democrat appointed by a democrat) said no and unsealed it (then retired I gather) which listed some of the grounds for Jeri Ryan requesting the divorce. They were juicy enough to force Ryan out of the race for the Federal Senate and allowed his challenger to win in a walk. That challenger you ask? Barack Obama.

  2. FFS republicans, just leak the fucking documents already. Every goddamn thing fo the last two years that could hurt Trump has been leaked, and you motherfuckers just sit around hinting and damning memos and videos that, magically, never get released via proper channels in a supposedly GOP controlled congress. We all know what you’re doing you GOP fucks. You’re trading keeping these things out of the public purview in exchange for favorable support from some obscure rider on some obscure bill that gives one of your jag off sponsors a tax break on some country club he’s building in Montana of some other fucking place that won’t do that public a damn bit of good. Fuck this shit. Leak the fucking documents already. McLame’s little assistant cunt certainly had no problem leaking the dossier on his cunt boss’s orders.

  3. All these weasels thought HRC was a Sure Thing because The Fix was in.
    Now they’ve bet the farm on the wrong horse.

    Trump does not forgive and forget.
    There are going to be a lot of weasels with hell to pay.

  4. McCain Institute for….whatever. Clinton Global Foundation 2.0, another money laundering outfit that needs to be shut down & investigated. The special division of the IRS in TX purportedly set up to handle these ‘matters’ is sure taking their sweet time.
    I sure hope we don’t have a govt shutdown otherwise how’ll these agencies ever get anything done? 🙄

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