McCain Has Cancer of the Brain – IOTW Report

McCain Has Cancer of the Brain

Only thing to do now is resign and work on your health.


61 Comments on McCain Has Cancer of the Brain

  1. He shouldnt have spent his time and energy trying to sabotage Trump and the country, he should have found better things to do at the end of his life.

  2. At 80 years old, a cancerous brain tumor is not good. My dad was a healthy 56 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Eight months later, at age 57, he was gone.

    Resign and let the Governor appoint a Conservative.

  3. He should have retired with dignity instead of running for a 6 year term at 80. And he had no signs, uh bizzare questioning of Comey ring a bell?!! Who knows what else he was exhibiting but next to Pelosi he probably seemed functional.

  4. Governor Ducey seems to be a conservative–he was endorsed by Cruz and Mike Lee plus he was the CEO of Stone Cold Creamery until he and his partner sold. So he has a background in business and ice cream!
    I hope McCain will retire but I highly doubt it.





  6. You harmed your fellow citizens often. And with malice.
    I’m working hard reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. This is a tough test. It’s hard to dismantle decades of mutual contempt.

  7. 🔰 CNN says, 🔰 “Well, the most out-spoken Republican critic of Trump suddenly has a brain tumor? Isn’t THAT a tidy little coincidence!”

    Sounds like what happens to dissidents in RUSSIA!

  8. My mom died of this at just short of 94. Preciously, she had problems associated with diabetes.
    She would say she was dying from the feet up.
    When this hit, she gave up and only lasted long enough to say her family goodbyes.

  9. On a human side of the equation.., I understand the loss that’s coming.., however, if he was on our ACA plan, that was foisted upon us, by the government.., he wouldn’t be enjoying this at all.., even better would be to find a treatment that would even try to help him.., as for his illness and being a politician, with a Diamond healthcare plan, free of charge, best medical care available in the world..screw him..let him get treatment at the VA..adios Songbird..Karma has your ticket punched..

  10. I’m old enough to remember when he was considered to be a genuine hero because of his behavior during years of terrible captivity in North Vietnam. I also am very tired of Senator John McCain’s failure to secure this country from the Mexican invasion that has destroyed a lot of the country he swore to defend and protect. He won’t resign as long as he believes he can make a difference. That’s the problem.

  11. Good. I’m just not that much of a hypocrite to say anything good about the man. Whatever points he earned for serving in the military he lost on Capital Hill helping drive the US to the point they find themselves now. With luck he’ll take the high road and resign tomorrow but don’t bet on it. Either through resignation or death I hope the Governor of Arizona appoints a true conservative to serve out the rest of Senator McCain’s term.

  12. I’m not a McCain fan at all. My brother died of the same brain cancer. Never was the same after the surgery. This type of cancer is like spaghetti the way it works it’s way into the brain. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

  13. Ive despised McCain ever since i learned of his POW actions.

    However he is a human w/family.

    My wonderful wife was diagnosed with Glio Blastoma Multiforme stage 4 and was given 6 months to live after they had spent 10.5 hrs inside her brain doing surgery.

    Radiation, chemo, and my love kept her alive for 24 months. She passed in my arms. Im still fucked up from the whole ordeal.

    Even though McCain is evil….i wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy

  14. @ .45-70
    I am sorry for your loss of your life’s love. I agree, with jclady, your love kept her with you longer than expected. Now live your life as she would want you to live it. She is still loving you but from a better place. Prayers for you.

  15. .45-70 You are a good man, no one knows what its like until you are there.
    McCain has been a pain in my ass since forever.
    But no matter what, he was a soldier and did a soldier’s duty.
    My thoughts and prayers go out to him.

  16. He’ll be forced to resign = incompetence. His decisions and votes since Trump was elected is proof. He should not be allowed to vote on any bill. Get rid of him now!

  17. @Benito the Bombed Beaner July 19, 2017 at 9:14 pm

    Don’t sell yourself short, Benito. Columbia’s been donkey punching us for longer than John McCain’s been a senator. Your description is quite classy, indeed.

  18. For the record, husbands brother died from the same type of brain cancer. His brother did not make life changing issues for others like McCain has. His brother did not do anything nasty like Mc Cain has. I want McCain to go away, his illness explains why he has inflicted his pain onto the American people. For this, I despise him and I have no sympathy for him. He has admitted he’s incompetent to serve. Go away, you’re done.

  19. God has a reaping and sowing principle. In mccains case i see he reaped war on outher countries and no war on planned parenthood. Wanted a wall but fought aginst it, wanted to stop health care but breaks his promise etc.

    he is reaping what he sowed. And thats too bad

  20. He may have brought this on himself for betraying the United States. Not sad about this – some people reap what they sow.
    His replacement could very well be his daughter, Meghan McCain. The slightly better looking, pudgy, blonde Republican version of Chelsea Clinton. She would carry on the RINO, traitorous legacy of her father.

  21. He won’t quit until Lindsay makes him or he keels over. I wish he would retire after the healthcare vote and not inflict himself further on the Republic.

    I pray Christ saves his soul and comforts his family.

  22. Huh!
    Thought you had to have a brain, to get brain cancer!
    You could knock me over widda feddah!

    I’ll try to say a prayer for the rancid old traitorous piece of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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