Flashback: Everyone at the time was concerned with McCain’s line of questioning – IOTW Report

Flashback: Everyone at the time was concerned with McCain’s line of questioning

There is, tragically, an explanation for McCain’s bizarre line of questioning and reasoning during President Comey’s testimony before the senate last month.


21 Comments on Flashback: Everyone at the time was concerned with McCain’s line of questioning

  1. John, you should have reserved your bizarre behavior for a meeting with your old Vietnamese captors.
    Buh Bye, now you’ll get a chance to ruminate on what life is really all about.

  2. As an adult, I no longer wish ill will on anyone…..well, almost anyone.
    To me….McCain is a traitor, regardless of his military record. That was/is his choice. Hopefully someone with more common sense will take his place.

  3. The man served – but I met him when he came back and there wasn’t something quite right about him them. Don’t wish him ill but it’s time to give back the talking stick to another person in his community who will hopefully be more common sensical.

  4. The man served – but I met him when he came back and there wasn’t something quite right about him them. Don’t wish him ill but it’s time to give back the talking stick to another person in his community who will hopefully be more common sensical.

  5. I understood what McCain was getting at. If they are still investigating the Russian connection, how can Comey so quickly exonerate Killary of any wrong doing in regards to Russian interference. They’re either ignorant by not connecting the large dots on her email server or intentionally refusing to look even just a little further. We know damn well she and her aides were colluding. Podesta. Uranium. Clinton Foundation. But all we hear is the server investigation is over (Saint Clinton is innocent!) and only Trump is under investigation now for Russian interference, and not Killary as well, when she in fact still is.. but no one is talking about it.

    This whole thing stinks like a hairy old undouched vagina pressed inside a stuffy pantsuit.

  6. The Uniparty looks like the hallway at an assisted living home on visiting day. We think of the wisdom gained in the waning years of our founders, but at least they knew better than to hang around D.C. until they were in their 80’s! They all had jobs they had to get back to — they had to go home to make some money working their farms or professions. They didn’t figure to get rich and richer still holding office.

  7. 🍿 MINUTE 0:00 – 0:23 🍿

    We missed it the 1st time, but clearly the guy is bonkos!

    It wasn’t sufficient evidence too……bring soup to Wyatt Erp, the didn’t gum very careless, but you did re-trade conclusion, in that case it was not unnecessary to pursue her.

    Geez man, how could we have missed the signs?

  8. McCain could have said, “you tidied up the investigation into Clinton wrong-doing pretty quickly. And no charges will be filed despite many legal minds thinking there are prosecutorial offenses.

    Will this other investigation end similarly for Trump? Quickly and with no charges being filed, even if prosecutorial evidence is uncovered?”

    It still would have been weird because Comey is not part of the Russian probe.

    And it didn’t help that he kept calling Trump “Comey.”

    It just felt like something was wrong with McCain. He seemed to not understand that the two investigations were independent of the other.
    If he had a point it was not articulated well, which was never a problem for McCain before.

  9. I’ve taken many shots at McCain, I loathe the man. But I don’t wish this illness on anyone. Lost a brother-in-law and a close friend to this. It’s a terrible death, and more common than I realized. He’ll be paying for his sins in a big way so I’ll leave it at knowing that.

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