McCain… War Monger – IOTW Report

McCain… War Monger

KPark sent this Zero Hedge blast from the past where they detail all of McCain’s love of blustering about, and threatening, war around the globe.

He was also a great advocate of arming “rebels” in countries and sitting back and observing the results. He had a pathological need to see carnage.


Earlier this week notorious war hawk US Senator John McCain (R-Az) was diagnosed with brain cancer. While the liberal and conservative establishments are sending their regards, Geopolitics Alert instead compiled a list of reasons why we don’t care about McCain.

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, soGeopolitics Alert has compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Obviously every US senator (besides California’s Barbara Lee) voted to give president George W. Bush the power to invade Afghanistan following the events of September 11th. However, McCain wasn’t happy with just moving to invade Afghanistan. No, he had other targets on his mind as early as the day after the towers fell.

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.


It will sicken me to see this shitstain eulogized like he was a great man. He was not.


19 Comments on McCain… War Monger

  1. “It will sicken me to see this shitstain eulogized like he was a great man. He was not.”

    As I read that line and thought about all the disgusting eulogizing by the left and the old media in the last 30 hours, I thought what would the coverage be like if the Kenyan idiot or the Queen of Treason should shuffle off this mortal coil (natural causes or an unforeseen accident, of course). We would all have to move into caves, the mountains or leave for a deserted island for a month to escape the horror.

    On the bright side, we might come back to the largest mass extinction since the dinosaurs.

  2. Happy to say I’ve not looked at TV (other than a sporting event) for over a week and am thus stain-free at the present.

    Don’t feel sad at his passing nor grief for the Senate – rather I’m glad another leader of questionable moral fiber is gone. Yes, as John Lenon once wrote, “Imagine a world without a Clinton, or an Obama… or no reason to avoid the media”

  3. I’m tired of hearing all of the false polite praise for Juan McStain. I hope Trump does something outrages today to change the subject. Like maybe indict Hillary

  4. I just read that the country of Viet Nam said McCain helped heal the wounds of war there. Not mentioned was the fact that McCain threatened them during the negotiations for normalizing relations and said the USA would withhold monetary aid should the stories of McCain’s collaboration with the NVA come to light.

  5. Although I read McCain’s obituary with great pleasure I have been sick to my stomach with the fawning and outright glorification the media is giving this traitorous bum. He was anything but the patriotic statesman the media portrays him as. I still want to drive a stake through this assholes heart.

  6. McCain’s legacy is a great argument for term limits. In addition to term limits, Congress should also pass “incapacity” rules–if you are unable, or UNWILLING, to fulfill your job responsibilities, you are immediately REMOVED from office. One of the factors could be how many votes you miss, either in a session or consecutively.

  7. Davey……………… you have no idea how right you are. I am sick to death of listening about this total jerk. I’m glad he’s gone, I hate to say this but it was refreshing yesterday to hear about something else (Florida).

  8. mccain hindered…..then stopped the hunt for MIAs in SouthEast Asia.

    A hero…..everyone is entitled to their own opinion…..just not entitled to their own facts.

  9. “then stopped the hunt for MIAs in SouthEast Asia.”

    What the fudge was that all about? What a POS! It’s almost as if he was afraid bad info was going to get out about himself, or he wanted tension to continue so that he’d have a reason to invade.

  10. @ WDS

    Captain Crutch wet-started his A-4 and nearly sunk the FORRESTAL. He should have been number 135 in the fire.

    Teddy only killed one in his submarine Olds.

  11. Let me get this straight, George W Bush, war monger-dope dealer and Barry Obama-former dope dealer will be giving euglies for John Mccain, and MSNBC is making light of the fact that our current President was uninvited to the war mongers funeral.

    Since President Donald Trump, clearly guided us away from military confrontations, is using sanctions to guide us away from military conflicts with North Korea and Russia….and so the Deep State uninvites Trump from this chest thumping by these two drug dealers….bravo!

    Search Seaboard Foods + Hezbollah to see who our true enemies are!

    George Meredith MD
    Virginia Beach

    Just say no to drug dealing war mongers!

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