Update: McCarthy Fails on Second Ballot /McCarthy Fails on First Round of Ballots – IOTW Report

Update: McCarthy Fails on Second Ballot /McCarthy Fails on First Round of Ballots

McCarthy poised to fall short in second vote as G.O.P. revolt continues.

NYTs — Representative Kevin McCarthy of California lost a second vote for speaker on Tuesday as his pitched battle for the top job in the House continued, amid a rebellion among hard-right lawmakers that left the post up for grabs and prompted a historic struggle on the floor at the dawn of the new Republican majority.

The mutiny, waged by ultraconservative lawmakers who for weeks have held fast to their vow to oppose Mr. McCarthy, dealt a serious blow to the G.O.P. leader and laid bare deep divisions that threaten to make the party’s House majority ungovernable. But it did not end the California Republican’s bid for speaker. He has vowed to continue seeking the post, forcing multiple votes if necessary until he wins.


The House of Representatives will hold a second ballot for the Speakership for the first time since 1923, as Republican leader Kevin McCarthy of California failed to garner the support of the lower chamber’s majority.

Ten Republicans voted for Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs on the first ballot and nine voted for non-nominated candidates, dealing McCarthy a potentially insurmountable margin as he attempts to ascend to the gavel. The Californian needs 218 votes to be named Speaker, meaning he must flip 15 members on subsequent ballots. McCarthy previously garnered 188 votes in a November conference meeting. more


21 Comments on Update: McCarthy Fails on Second Ballot /McCarthy Fails on First Round of Ballots


    Yeah, I don’t get it either. Even people I respect (Gingrinch for one) are absolutely clutching their pearls over this and I don’t get it. All I hear is that it’s bad to show division in the GOP. Well, I got news for them… there is division in the GOP. So maybe they should start acting like they understand that and stop expecting people to just go along with them.

    Seriously, what am I missing here that it’s a bad thing for them to fight it out?

  2. “Careful! Old Newt wrote a piece here not long ago applauding the accomplishments of Biden. I’m not joking.”

    Well, I didn’t say I agreed with everything he says because I don’t. I do love listening to him talk about history though.

  3. Jesse Watters
    Tucker Carlson
    and an ever decreasing amount of Guyyfeld
    The only ones I will watch anymore on fox
    F##K fox news and the Plastic Botoxxed Shoe Fetishing Whores.
    And watch out giving any private info to the fox bible sellers.
    The most expensive thing you will ever buy is something “FREE” on fox. Like a Free Guide To Unobtainable Sky Bridge To Prosperity.

    Fox sucks almost as bad as msNBC.


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