McConnell is going to go ahead with Green New Deal Vote – IOTW Report

McConnell is going to go ahead with Green New Deal Vote

15 Comments on McConnell is going to go ahead with Green New Deal Vote

  1. To all the libtards running for POTUS: Choke. On. It.

    Vote for it and Trump will hammer you for being an idiot who wants to destroy the economy. Don’t vote for it and the radical left (your base) will eat you alive.

  2. Sorry Mitch, though I thoroughly approve of this measure along the lines of what Pelopidas posted, you’re still a Chamber of Commerce lackey RINO piece of shit.

  3. turtle-boy is one of the biggest RINO’s in the senate.

    He is as much an opportunist as killary and has proved it by his voting record.

    We need a trump-clone to head the senate so that ALL the judges waiting to be appointed can be blanket-confirmed in one fell swoop.

    Since the demoncrats changed the rules the last time they held the majority the only thing stopping this from happening is bitch McConnell.

  4. Maybe McConnell’s had a wake-up call?
    Something roused the RINOs?

    Graham? McConnell?
    Some scary shit, there.

    Great political move. Put em all on record. Shit or get off the pot.
    You can bet the House won’t bring it up for a vote!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Pogo; Still that vote of “Present” will be enough to make him/her answer questions and waste valuable time and money in the next election cycle at very little cost to their opponent.
    As far as McConnell goes, he may still be a RINO but he’s done yeoman’s service in the Senate pushing Trump’s judiciary nominees through as well as several actions like this so give him a pat on the back when he sets out a trap as unavoidable as this one. Maybe he’s starting to change.


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