McConnell: Scandals ‘Follow the Clintons Like Flies’ – IOTW Report

McConnell: Scandals ‘Follow the Clintons Like Flies’

WFB: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) eviscerated Hillary Clinton and her legacy of scandal during his remarks at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday.

“I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we cannot allow it,” he said.

McConnell’s sharp differences with President Obama are well-known, but he said he gave him credit at least for being up-front about wanting to move the country to the far left.

“Not Hillary,” he said. “She lied about her emails. She lied about her server. She lied about Benghazi. She even lied about sniper fire. Why, even she lied about why her parents named her Hillary. So I ask you a simple question. At a moment when so many feel betrayed by their government, why in the world would Democrats put forward such a candidate?”  more  [Video]

14 Comments on McConnell: Scandals ‘Follow the Clintons Like Flies’

  1. Sit down and eat your oatmeal Mitch. Of course these eRepublican shitfingers are going to come out and mouth some words that they don’t believe, but the gig is up for the Boehner, Dole, Bush, McConnell, McCain, Romney & Ryans. They have dryshaved Constitutional conservatives every chance they have gotten and there is far more distance between them and Constitutional conservatives than there is between them and the Clintons. Donald Trump is not perfect, but he is going to be instrumental in righting the ship. He is going to be poplar and successful, something they are not and the mealy mouthed sons a bitches are running scared that they are about to be left behind. Don’t buy into their bullshit, they don’t believe a word of what they are saying. It is a sucker play.

  2. Trump may not be the perfect candidate. But he’s a hell of a lot more preferable to the lying, cheating, elitist, dangerous, disgusting, cold, mean hearted Hillary.

    At least if Trump is president and he steps over the line, we KNOW the turncoat senate will not blink an eye, before bring impeachment charges upon him.

    But, Hillary will spread her foul excrement deeper and more far reaching, than we can envision. And the gutless, colluding, liberal loving, stelf enriching senate will stutter, stammer, ‘investigate’, and in every manner thinkable, allow the Hillary horror show to shred, obfuscate or sell any piece of evidence, or artifact left standing. This doesn’t even begin to account for the tremendous amount of filth she has gathered over the years, with which to hold over the heads of those, within the government, who think they have power. She knows where the ‘bodies’ are buried, and she won’t hesitate to expose them. Oh, except the mound she herself may have hidden.

  3. There are two things that I despise,
    One’s politicians,
    The other is flys.
    One eats shit, the other tells lies,
    The more I see politicians,
    The more I like flys.
    Author Unknown

  4. mitch hasn’t done one thing to stem the tide of lies, corruption and favoritism rampant in Washington DC, specifically obama and Clinton lawlessness.
    By doing nothing, McConnell, the enabler, is as much the problem as the obama/clinton corruptocrats.

  5. Hilary Clinton is the fruit of the poisonous plants that grow in the polluted soil of corruption.
    Our Founding Fathers are shouting down from Heaven to prosecute this witch.
    The blood of honest men cry for justice.

  6. “I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we cannot allow it,” he said.

    Huh… Odd he should say that about Hillary and not his friend John.
    I remember McCain rushing to the border talking about, “Build that dang fence!” Because, you know, he’ll say anything, do anything…

  7. good job keeping your promises too mitch, like repealing obamacare, stopping obama’s run away spending or the big one – building the damn wall!

    mitch and ryan are as bad as obama and hillary at telling the citizens what they think they should want to hear.

  8. ” “I’m here to tell you Hillary Clinton will say anything, do anything, and be anything to get elected president, and we cannot allow it,” he said ”

    Ole Mitch did the same thing to get reelected to the Senate.

    Then blocked stopping Obama, and rolling back federal government power over reach. A message clearly sent by Americans by the R sweeps since the 2010 election. Now being sent again, louder with the rise of Trump.

    Mitch get off the stage.

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