McDonald’s Worker Hailed as Hero- – IOTW Report

McDonald’s Worker Hailed as Hero-

I hate to be a stick in the mud, but when you listen to the entire story, Pedro, the hero, didn’t do anything of value.

13 Comments on McDonald’s Worker Hailed as Hero-

  1. They revived the officer and she left with a free milkshake? I’m confused.

    Here’s a hero, there’s a hero… Dorals got ’em

    Medicapedia Dramatica

    OT: So many Hero’s at McDonalds in the news? hmmm…

  2. Like a participation trophy …. everybody is a hero.
    It may help when you speak with a Spanish accent and presumed to be an illegal immigrant.

    Next week we’ll have a muslim open the door for a transgender and they’ll be hailed as a hero.

  3. So where’s the interviews with the people who saved the woman? I guess you don’t qualify as a “hero” if you’re only doing your job.

    Or maybe you just have to defenestrate yourself.


  4. cato: “It may help when you speak with a Spanish accent and presumed to be an illegal immigrant.”

    Bingo! We have a bingo! THAT is why Pedro is on the news and being called a hero. That is the only reason. If he was a white guy no one would consider his actions heroic.

  5. Yep, Pedro didn’t need to jump out of the window. He’s a pretty good jumper though that’s how he got into this country. Fast on his feet. Glad the woman survived and there were qualified people there to help her.

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