Meadowlark Lemon Has Passed – IOTW Report

Meadowlark Lemon Has Passed

He’ll always be the first person I think of when I rememberĀ The Harlem Globetrotters.


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20 Comments on Meadowlark Lemon Has Passed

  1. Loved the Globetrotters since I was a kid. Even though the modern political system is based on their act: The Democrats are the Globetrotters – a fake team that’s accomplishments are total theatre. The Republicans are the hapless team that manages to lose to the Globetrotters every time, although, in reality the game is fixed and they are all in on the same schtick where everyone makes out like a bandit in their show.

  2. I saw him playing with the Globetrotters v the Washington Generals when I was a kid also.

    Those guys were amazing to me. They made what they did look effortless and didn’t hid their pleasure at having fun. It was a bit of magic.

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