— HG 47ππ» πΊπΈππΊπΈππ» (@Knhorsegal) June 21, 2024
16 Comments on Meanwhile, at Camp David, They Prep Joe For the Debate
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Is Dr Feel Good there? It would be βfunnyβ if they had him so juiced up for the debate, he stroked out right there on the stage. Of course I would NEVER wish that on anyone.
Is that real? Is this really how they’re prepping him?????
Advisor1: Mr. President, do not forget to put on your Heavy Duty Depends. In case it fails to hold everything, make sure you wear your brown suit.
Advisor2: Do not fall asleep during the debate – take three No-Doze pills before the debate starts. Do that and you’ll be running circles around the Bastard Trump.
Advisor3: Mr. President, if you feel yourself falling over, grab on to the lectern for support, or ask the moderators to stand next to you and hold you to keep you upright.
Advisor4: Mr. President, don’t forget to call Trump a Fascist Nazi Rapist as many times as you can.
Advisor5: Always remember the moderators are your friends…Don’t shy away from calling Trump’s wife a prostitute or anything else you want to say about him or her… keep in mind always that Trump is the spawn of Hilter and Stalin and Pol Pot, and repeat it as many times as you can…the moderators are in your pocket…you won’t get dinged on it. They’re there to help you Mr. President.
That water would be brown.
He’s worse than dead. His brain is gone.
Nurse! 10 cc’s of trunalimunumaprzure, STAT!
“Mr president here are the questions for the debate that CNN provided us. here are our answers we prepared for you. DOCTOR jill will coach you. now drop your trousers and bend slightly at the waist, like when you’re about to fill your diape, we’re going to give you your ‘B12’ shot now.”
Waddaya mean practically?
Biden’s team will react by refuting the video.
Just fine tuning that ol’ adrenochrome drip setup that will be tucked away in his jacket pocket.
No shit: they probably started him on doses of meds, working up his tolerance for higher doses so he’ll be fully hopped-up for the debate. Watch Biden’s eyes: he won’t blink once. In doing this, they’re also shortening his retched life.
Ding, ding, ding, bam, boom, Whoosh. Very descriptive Mr. Trump. Was that your famous Star Wars program with the Space Knights? Trump keeps going with his sound effects, zing, zam, pue, pue, pue & with lasers too. Commentator says, I think Mr Trump needs a rest period.
^^^^^ If that’s AI the guy that wrote the code is a moron. That’s not even relevant or logical.
Anonymous needs LESS of a rest period. He was pussified before Covid, but retreated to the basement during the Fauci freakout, and his brain has turned into mush. By the time he finds his balls, hopefully Walmart will still need greeters.
Cheers, Anonymous..we still love you, kiddo. Best to your mom.
What’s with anonopussy criticizing Trump for the Space Force. I don’t even know who initiated it, but it’s a thing and very much alive.
I approve this message!
Is Dr Feel Good there? It would be βfunnyβ if they had him so juiced up for the debate, he stroked out right there on the stage. Of course I would NEVER wish that on anyone.
Is that real? Is this really how they’re prepping him?????
Advisor1: Mr. President, do not forget to put on your Heavy Duty Depends. In case it fails to hold everything, make sure you wear your brown suit.
Advisor2: Do not fall asleep during the debate – take three No-Doze pills before the debate starts. Do that and you’ll be running circles around the Bastard Trump.
Advisor3: Mr. President, if you feel yourself falling over, grab on to the lectern for support, or ask the moderators to stand next to you and hold you to keep you upright.
Advisor4: Mr. President, don’t forget to call Trump a Fascist Nazi Rapist as many times as you can.
Advisor5: Always remember the moderators are your friends…Don’t shy away from calling Trump’s wife a prostitute or anything else you want to say about him or her… keep in mind always that Trump is the spawn of Hilter and Stalin and Pol Pot, and repeat it as many times as you can…the moderators are in your pocket…you won’t get dinged on it. They’re there to help you Mr. President.
That water would be brown.
He’s worse than dead. His brain is gone.
Nurse! 10 cc’s of trunalimunumaprzure, STAT!
“Mr president here are the questions for the debate that CNN provided us. here are our answers we prepared for you. DOCTOR jill will coach you. now drop your trousers and bend slightly at the waist, like when you’re about to fill your diape, we’re going to give you your ‘B12’ shot now.”
Waddaya mean practically?
Biden’s team will react by refuting the video.
Just fine tuning that ol’ adrenochrome drip setup that will be tucked away in his jacket pocket.
No shit: they probably started him on doses of meds, working up his tolerance for higher doses so he’ll be fully hopped-up for the debate. Watch Biden’s eyes: he won’t blink once. In doing this, they’re also shortening his retched life.
Ding, ding, ding, bam, boom, Whoosh. Very descriptive Mr. Trump. Was that your famous Star Wars program with the Space Knights? Trump keeps going with his sound effects, zing, zam, pue, pue, pue & with lasers too. Commentator says, I think Mr Trump needs a rest period.
^^^^^ If that’s AI the guy that wrote the code is a moron. That’s not even relevant or logical.
Anonymous needs LESS of a rest period. He was pussified before Covid, but retreated to the basement during the Fauci freakout, and his brain has turned into mush. By the time he finds his balls, hopefully Walmart will still need greeters.
Cheers, Anonymous..we still love you, kiddo. Best to your mom.
What’s with anonopussy criticizing Trump for the Space Force. I don’t even know who initiated it, but it’s a thing and very much alive.
anonopussy’s remarks don’t make sense to me. He says Trump goes: “Ding, ding, ding, bam, boom, Whoosh” and “zing, zam, pue, pue, pue & with lasers”
I never heard of that….
anonopussy has a diseased brain.