Meanwhile, In New Mexico: “The Governor Is Killing Us. She’s Totally Killing Us” – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, In New Mexico: “The Governor Is Killing Us. She’s Totally Killing Us”

GP: Mayor Martin Hicks from Grants, New Mexico broke with the liberal governor and vowed he will reopen his city next week.
Mayor Hicks is a Democrat.

Hicks had this to say about Democrat Governor Michelle Grisham, “The governor is killing us. She’s totally killing us.”

The liberal governor wants businesses to remain closed until the middle of May.
New Mexico has seen only 2,660 cases of the coronavirus and 93 deaths across the entire state. The state has seen 44 deaths for every million in population. There is no need to extend the lockdown. read more

22 Comments on Meanwhile, In New Mexico: “The Governor Is Killing Us. She’s Totally Killing Us”

  1. I’m kinda surprised that the Courts, from local to Federal, aren’t absolutely flooded with suits about these shutdowns on Constitutional grounds.

    Seems to me that everyone is directly affected and has been damaged by them and should have a standing to sue, both individually and in class action.

  2. Trump has tweeted recently that states and cities run by democrats that are in big fiscal trouble should not be bailed out. That it’s their own fault.
    Pelosi says any new bill will bail out the states.

    We know how this is going to end. Trump is just bargaining. He will sign a bill that bails out the freaking liberals and their broken pension plans in return for some big infrastructure or something that he wants.

    This is pathetic.
    I hope the entire country implodes so we can start over.

  3. I can’t tell if Trump is publicly supporting continued lockdowns in hopes that the Dem govs will open up their states due to TDS oppositional defiance, but I’m pretty sure they would lock down tighter if he came out in favor of faster economic reopening. Their love for power must be stronger than their TDS. It looks like we are going to have to do this ourselves.

  4. ” He will sign a bill that bails out the freaking liberals and their broken pension plans …. ”

    Probably, from my POV Trump hasn’t seen a spending bill yet that he hasn’t fallen in love with.

    Even when he’s pretending to oppose them to fool some of his base he goes for them anyway.

    Seems like he’s setting a new record for more spending and debt every time I turn around.

  5. Wobbles the mind.
    Who gave “them” the authority in the first place?
    It should be obvious to the dullest among us that the “shut-down” has nothing to do with this seasonal flu outbreak and everything to do with torpedoing the economy.

    “Come to think of it, he had BOTH hands on my shoulders!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ahhooogah


    Speaking of Brock type troll anons at 22 after above

    Your attempts at subtle subversivity are wasted here

    But it does make us laugh

    Ha Ha
    Charade you are

  7. “I hope the entire country implodes so we can start over.” -xxx

    You won’t have to “hope” for long. The problem is what do we do with 150 million pieces of crap?

  8. Gov. Michelle Grisham shut down New Mexico saying gatherings of <100 were ok. Then it was down to no more than 10. Then 5. Then the day before Easter Sunday, she puts out the word that there will be no church gatherings the next day.

    She then grants Calvary Chapel ABQ (big church) to have parking lot service.

    Legacy Church (big church) files for TRO against her in federal court. Judge says that because other churches were able to and did comply with stay-at-home order, Legacy was denied TRO.

    The way I see it, if all churches had remained open (ours did) citing the First Amendment, Legacy wouldn't have needed a TRO. What's the governor going to do-arrest all the Christians?
    It's the Cloward-Priven strategy used by the left during 0's administration. Overwhelm the system.

  9. Anonymous, Trump is gutting the central bank ending the Fed. That’s where stimulus money is coming from. Without the central Bank the corrupt politicians are out of business as they won’t be able to launder money.
    Watch how the country takes off when we return to work. In addition, the unequal revenue that is finally being paid back to the US from other countries is huge.
    When the perps are convicted, (I believe they will be) their assets will be given to the US as per Trump’s EO in December 2016. This could include all the billionaires world wide and all their drug and human trafficking money.
    Trump’s plan for extensive deregulation and reduction or elimination of payroll tax will start more new business that you can imagine. The whole plan is exciting and terrifying however, without out it we would be under the thumb of the Clinton and Obama Mafia.

  10. Meanwhile, beanbag Governor Henry McMaster (Joke-SC) emerged from his den, saw his shadow and extended the suspension of our rights for another two weeks.

    Also, Hack Senator and world famous virologist, Lindsey Graham 2.Zero announces he “expects” Covid-19 to reemerge in the fall.

    Sorry ’bout the McClatchy rag links y’all.

  11. @Anonymous – the courts are not inundated with lawsuits, because they eliminated Step 1. If you can’t physically file a lawsuit – and also if there are no hearing dates – how can they proceed?
    Catch-22: Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. ‘That’s some catch, that catch-22,’ he observed. ‘It’s the best there is,’ Doc Daneeka agreed.”

  12. Grants, New Mexico was a 1950s uranium boom town. It’s been a cemetery with lights for several decades. Lots of cheap vacant houses, with a very small business strip. It does have a really good museum that celebrates the uranium boom that created the town of Grants. It’s a pleasant diversion between Gallup and Albuquerque.

  13. Gov Witless (MI-D) has felt our wrath and is quaking in her pumps. She has extended the lockdown until May 15th, but we can now go visit our neighbors and family (which we did anyway, shhhhhhh), some businesses can open, sales of her “no-no products” have been relaxed, and we are ‘allowed’ to go outside; even in a motorboat! Oh, and along with extenting the lockdown, we now must wear face masks in public. So far in my little town, bare faces still smile.

    So, she is still trying to make us suffer, but we are coming out more and more to defy her orders. What will she do when half the state just says, “NO”?

  14. is protect people from illness in “oath of office”?
    or is it to “protect and defend the constitution”?
    don’t need the “nanny state”
    I’ll take my own chances

  15. Jarhead Cracka: Yes, that’s right. Those beacons were used in the early days of transcontinental flying for visual recognition. The tower with the beacon and a concrete arrow pointing in the direction of the next beacon are still out by the aeroport. A Ford Tri-Motor aeroplane hit Mount Taylor during a thunderstorm in 1929, killing everyone on board. Evidently, the pilot couldn’t see the beacon or the concrete arrow. In 1958, Michael Todd, who was married to Elizabeth Taylor and produced the movie “Around the World in Eighty Days” died when his overloaded plane crashed near Grants. It’s a real interesting place to visit every ten or fifteen years.


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