Meanwhile, In Yuma… – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, In Yuma…

My neighbor across the street asked me if I’d seen any unusual activity in our area. He told me that while they were out shopping  they came home to find someone got into their backyard and stole a pair of his wife’s panties off the clothesline, (you know we are big on solar stuff down here in Yuma, AZ) she’s a little distressed not about the underwear, but the 12 clothespins holding them up she would like to have them back!

h/t Doc.

31 Comments on Meanwhile, In Yuma…

  1. Ferd,
    I spent a week down in Yuma one day.

    Be sure to stock up on arms & ammo, Yuma is THAT close to the border.
    A suppressor & NVGs would be a big plus also.

  2. geeknerd
    JUNE 1, 2021 AT 6:44 PM
    “So, nobody has a sense of Yuma on this page?”

    …no, but from this thread, I’m kind of thinking I wouldn’t like the scent of Yuma…

  3. If she tries to steal yer Beetle… pump the petrol twice, and hit the choke a second or two. Only when cold.

    Good luck finding reverse, mate.

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