Meat Puppet Can’t Say “Kleptocracy” – IOTW Report

Meat Puppet Can’t Say “Kleptocracy”

The Blue State Conservative

If Hillary Clinton deserves to be locked up, then Joe Biden deserves to be retired to a long-term care facility. What other human being would still be in charge of his own house, let alone an entire nation? I feel no pity for Joe, who spent his entire life chasing money and power, and has now been reduced to a soulless tool of the globalist machine.

Instead of pity, I feel outrage. I am livid that my countrymen voted for this demented fool. Put differently, didn’t vote for Trump, thus enabling his victory all the same. Was it worth it?  More

Watch the addled brained stumble through his latest remarks Here

16 Comments on Meat Puppet Can’t Say “Kleptocracy”

  1. The leftards will show this as PR00F of his stutter. lol.
    The mothertarder didn’t stutter when he was talking shit before he ran in 2020. So either this is latent stuttering or the basement prez’s head toilet is flushing too much.

  2. Politicians will be politicians; the only difference is degree of avarice.
    What’s most troubling to me is the ease with which my fellow Americans have turned on each other.

  3. Dementia Joey has jumped the Teleprompter Reservation again. Not to worry, the Veep Throat is awaiting her turn as the greatest example of Racial Political Profiling since Baracky Osmidgen was elected to solve the country’s systemic racism.

  4. Did someone sabotage the Pedo? He said “accommodate” twice when he should have said “accountable”. It clearly rattled him.

    Then someone put in a word we all know the melting brain imbecile would trip over.

    Sure enough the Pedo disgraced himself and the country yet again.

    It’s getting so obvious now that even the lefties have to admit there is a problem.

    I wish the satanic child molester nothing but the worst, unfortunately he is pulling the country down around our ears as he melts into a vegetable.

  5. AMAZING! Just as dumb now as he was 50 years ago! Hard to believe a man could stay so dumb. But Joe is living proof mental defectives remain dumb for decades!
    50 years ago he was just rich; now he is VERY rich! Not saying Joe is a crook; just lucky wink wink!

  6. Top-tier law school graduate right there folks, at least according to the parallel universe fantasy world the worthless fucking press corps allows Biden to live in completely unchallenged.

  7. There’s no shame in admitting that your blade has dulled with age and it’s time to put the knife back in its scabbard. It’s the constant denial that is eventually going to shatter what little is left to whatever metal he may have had once.


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