Media misquoted Trump in notorious phone call with Georgia investigator – IOTW Report

Media misquoted Trump in notorious phone call with Georgia investigator

Washington Examiner: Early media accounts of a phone call between former President Donald Trump and a top Georgia investigator contained false quotes, prompting at least two major media outlets to issue a correction or update.

The Wall Street Journal first published audio last week of the roughly six-minute call on Dec. 23 between Trump and Frances Watson, the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, in which Trump urged her to look for fraud in mail-in ballots in Fulton County, where much of Atlanta is located.

Indeed, Trump can be heard telling Watson, who was in the middle of conducting an audit of voting results in Cobb County, that he won the 2020 election and that she would be “praised” when the “right answer comes out.” He also insisted “something bad happened.” more

16 Comments on Media misquoted Trump in notorious phone call with Georgia investigator

  1. At least we can now recycle lawyer jokes.

    Q: If you throw a CNN “reporter” and a Washington Post “reporter” off the top of a skyscraper, which one will land first?

    A: Who gives a shit

  2. @Bubba’s Brother ~ what do you call 10 million African-Americans swimming back to Africa w/ a lawyer under each arm? …

    a good start!

    (Lord, forgive me … there’s ton of fine, loyal African-Americans blacks people that have more melatonin than myself, that I am proud to stand by & call United States Citizens … but the press & the D’rats want to divide us into tribes … ’cause it’s easier to divide our attention if we are already divided)

  3. What is clear is that those on the call did not dispute the account when they knew it was false.

    Anyone still have faith in those who call themselves “republican”?

  4. Word to the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media:
    Tied up to a chair with a red ball gag in the dirty basement of Uncle Xi’s pawnshop is not a good look!

  5. These days the only assholes that are protected by the First Amendment are the lying MoFos that interpret current events for us and tell us how we’re suppose to feel about it. Things won’t change until the “Citizens Vigilante Committee” starts offing Mutha Fxckers.

  6. That many people knew the quotes were fake and remained silent gives weight to the charge of massive, widespread voting and counting corruption to give Biden the win. Had the lDems chosen a better candidate who campaigned and had a popular following, the corruption of the election would have been less obvious..

  7. The initial lying about what Trump said is compounded by the length of time it tool for the media to issue a correction.

    If there is a critter lower than a cockroach, it’s the liberal media – they foul everything they touch.

  8. Of course, it was obvious at the time that they lied about Trump because zero proof was offered and the usual, “according to an inside source” BS was used to justify the lie.


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