Media Shows the Devastating Effects of Shooting a Watermelon With an AR-15 – IOTW Report

Media Shows the Devastating Effects of Shooting a Watermelon With an AR-15

I’m the most basic newbie when it comes to firearms, but even I spotted, right away, the ridiculousness being foisted on the public by #FakeNewsInc.

Behold, the obliterating destructive power of that “assault rifle” the AR-15!!!

more HERE.

ht/ shazzam

30 Comments on Media Shows the Devastating Effects of Shooting a Watermelon With an AR-15

  1. It makes me laugh when the smarter than the the rest of us media tries to wade into areas they know nothing about and do absolutely no research on.
    Their video editor and director are idiots.
    The least they could have done was to edit out the gun and close in on just the watermelon.

  2. Oh good lawd.
    If you want to have some fun, learn a little, and teach a little “science”, get a hold of either 10-12″ pumpkins or water melons. Also save up 4 or 5 2 liter bottles and fill them with water. Then you get your 22 rifle, your 12 gauge shotgun (both bird-shot and slugs), and actual AR-15,a 44 magnum, and anything else you have laying around. Start with the small calibers, take a shot, and view the damage. It is a really good learning tool for younger folks (besides being fun). They can visualize the differences in calibers and types of ammunition and the effects they have.
    I remember watching a movie clip in my hunter safety course when a was a very young kid. They took a cabbage, which supposedly has the same consistency as a human head, put it on a pike an shot it with a .410 shotgun. The results were devastating. Some 35+ years later i still remember it as clear as day. It helped ingrain in me the power of the tool in your hand, and why being educated on what your doing, and doing safely is so important. But even at that young age, if some nit wit tried to call it an AR-15 we would have laughed them out of the room.

  3. I’ve shot watermelon with an AR-15, the watermelon doesn’t explode, in fact you wonder if you hit it. The 5.56/.223 round is so small and so fast and by very nature of being a ball round, it bores small holes through the fruit.

    I had a huge wax owl candle, like a full size owl, the candle weighed 10-15lbs. It was a relic from the 70’s and was included with a pile of shit we bought at auction. My friend lined up his big .44 and squeezed off a few rounds at it, nothing happened. Upon inspection we found perfect holes bored clean through the candle. I then took aim at it with a slug, it exploded!

    Another thing I learned that day. Don’t shoot cast iron frying pans with deer slugs. The cast iron is brittle so it shatters and pieces go whizzing everywhere, lucky I still have both eyes!

  4. That’s what’s so deadly about the AR-15 – its modularity and customizability. You can replace the upper and the lower assemblies with parts from a pump action 12 gauge and it’s almost like a whole other gun.

  5. @ShakeNBake ~ A friend, Opie, makes his own projectiles. He recently created a batch of hollow points in 83 grain for a 30-06 which essentially have the same ballistic coefficiency as that of 160 grain. These come out of the pipe (tested) @ 4000 ft. per sec! Ever inventive, the Opster now delivers a box of 57 grain hollows in the same caliber. Kinda of expecting then to go ‘puff’ just beyond the chronograph, but just in case they hold together we’ll send’em down range at a pumpkin. Just maybe impact will reveal a 30 caliber – .410 anomaly!

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