Meet A Self-Appointed “Keeper of Learning” – IOTW Report

Meet A Self-Appointed “Keeper of Learning”

Assistant Principal Zack Ruff of the STEM Academy in Dowington, PA went into full-throated attack mode when a brother and sister team of pro-life supporters showed up in front of his school with signs. Ruff rushed to the defense of the “science” they teach at his institution and insisted that what is destroyed from abortions are “not children, they’re cells.”

The attempt to threaten, then intimidate, Conner and Lauren Haines was all captured on video.


Too bad the assistant principal wasn’t as passionate about the right of free assembly and free speech as he is about his progressive principles.


13 Comments on Meet A Self-Appointed “Keeper of Learning”

  1. I guessed he was a fag fust by looking at his photo. Great… a mentally ill pervert in a position of authority in a high school. Too bad that it’s typical these days. Leftists are depraved.

  2. The thing about guys like this, “Mr. Muffintop”, if the 16 year old he was addressing were replaced with someone of equal size as him he’d still be in his office.

  3. Luke 19:40 He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

    The Vice-Principal has a demon in him, it is plain to see. He trembles at the name of Jesus.

    The kids in the cars that scoff and laugh will remember this day and it will stick in their minds and some will come to acknowledge that abortion is murder and not laugh about it anymore. They will always remember what these two brave young Christians did with their stand for the pre-born. They will remember…

  4. Speaking specifically to the actions of Ass. Principal Ruff. It seems to me that a true educator, who believes he has done his job to the best of his ability, trusts that he has given his students the tools they need to think for themselves. He should know he can’t “protect” them from the real world, and he shouldn’t try to, because the real world will teach them much more than he ever could in his entire life. If Ruff really gave a damn about his students education, he would let the abortion protesters alone, and invite his students to have a discussion on the topic in a proper teaching environment.
    Unfortunately today, education is less about molding young minds so much as it is about brow-beating them into submission.

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