Meet Katrina Pierson – National Spokeswoman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign – IOTW Report

Meet Katrina Pierson – National Spokeswoman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign


HT/ 99th Squad Leader

Katrina primaried against Pete Sessions in a bid for a congressional seat. She’s been a longtime Ted Cruz staffer.

Most of the news coverage has been very negative. Here’s the fairest report I could find.

18 Comments on Meet Katrina Pierson – National Spokeswoman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign

  1. WHAT!!!!! the tea party now is dividing into different teas? She a member of the black tea party, what about the pekoe tea party or the green tea party or the OOlong tea party? JEEESCH

  2. “Most of the news coverage has been very negative.” Pierson is a conservative woman who happens to be black. To the drive by media that is three strikes… conservative, female and black. Trump obviously sees some value in hiring her. He is not some political hack dumbass. He sees it as an investment and expects a return.

  3. There are different tea parties all over the country, but few that are all black or all anything else. It has more to do with demographics, but you would never go to a tea party event where you wouldn’t be welcomed because of your skin color — that’s not what the tea party is about. Katrina Pierson was a leader in the Garland tea party back in ’09 and, as you will see, her position was because of her very good public speaking skills and her passion for what she says.

  4. The establishment is still claiming Trump is going to get bored and quit. Sure seems like he is staffing up for the long haul. And he is getting much better on the campaign trail and having a lot of fun which has to be driving everyone opposed to him crazy.

  5. I’ve known about Katrina Pierson for a long time. She’s no light weight turncoat RINO. Expect Pierson to be a staunch, loyal and very conservative spokeswoman for conservatism and the Trump campaign.

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  1. Trump Spokesperson, Katrina Pierson, Under Scrutiny- And it’s not pretty |

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