Meet Kevin Allred – IOTW Report

Meet Kevin Allred


I would evaluate his mental state because of the man bun… something he calls “hip.”


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What????? What’s the matter?

Twitter rant-

so FYI…Montclair State has fired me before I even started teaching there. congrats to the Trump trolls. but you’re still not special.

this is not the fucking gross and politically regressive world i want to live in. trump’s base lashes out and everyone listens. disgusting.

i’m an amazing teacher–my evaluations & testimonials prove it. if speaking out against Trump’s “great America” keeps me from classrooms…👀

when universities cave to basic conservative political pressure like this, they’re firmly taking a side.

& it’s funny cuz in my interview they were super excited about me being young, hip, and calling out power. guess not in practice, huh?

everyone loves to be edgy in the abstract. when nothing is actually on the line. 🤷🏻‍♂️

this was all after they promised me work & had me spend weeks creating syllabi for classes they wanted me to teach. very classy, Montclair

you. will. not. break. me. down. you. will. not. win. ✊🏻❤️

A couple of things.

If you’re young and hip I should have a hit show on the Disney Channel.

Calling out power requires a bit more nuance and erudition than “somebody shoot em.”

Also,  did Montclair not simply search this psycho’s name on the internet and see the Rutgers fiasco?

They probably did, and that’s the problem with Universities.


43 Comments on Meet Kevin Allred

  1. I just got one of these as a Nephew In Law….I was encouraged not to attend the wedding and then chastised for not attending the wedding….”HUH?” was my only response…..

  2. Overconfident, under-washed, unmotivated, vulgar specimen of arrested development.

    You’re ticked, Sweetie, because you thought you’d found a gig that offered you maximum
    benefits with a minimum amount of work required.

    I’m feeling a vibe for you though. I see you working soon sterilizing the equipment at a
    tattoo parlor in Los Angeles. Part time.

  3. When you go there…calling for the assassination of a sitting president… not even lefty enclaves at the university will touch you.

    Lose the man bun and get some blood circulating to your gray matter. It’s probably too late.
    You couldn’t teach anyone’s kids anything useful.

  4. His problem is: there is not an established medical protocol for removing one’s head from one’s azz that has widespread acceptance in the medical literature.

  5. “this is not the fucking gross and politically regressive world i want to live in. trump’s base lashes out and everyone listens. disgusting.”

    So, why not have them give you a lethal injection while in the hospital? They will put you out of your misery and spare US citizens from your mouth. It’s a win-win for everyone!

  6. The chronology is somewhat confusing to me. Is this correct: He started ranting about shooting white people at Rutgers, was carted off for a mental eval was discharged from Rutgers, then got a job with a smaller college and started ranting about someone shooting the President and the small college fired him?

    He’s a special-er species of snowflake isn’t he? Two good jobs later and he’s still blaming Trump and his base? And the truly funny part of this is that his beliefs are all based on lies. Wow. Do these people ever have an epiphany that isn’t connected to drugs, alcohol or oxygen deprivation?

  7. So this moron bemoans the fact that some “conservative” complained about his political statements and the University didn’t hire him, or was it he got fired. Whatever. So ONE case in 10,000 where conservatives win a University “battle”, but he’s alright with the other 9999 cases where the “Progtards” get their way. What a supreme azzhole.

  8. What a spoiled brat, girly man. Still throwing tantrums, threating authority figures, holding his breath and whining when corrected. Now he’s a mintal case, because he’s too old to exhibit such behavior. Thanks socialist public education and his progressive leftist parents for creating this insufficient human being.

  9. “NYPD just came to my house bc Rutgers Police told them i’m a threat based on political statements i’ve made on campus and on twitter.”

    This is the classic example of stupidity in anyone. How this man got a position teaching is beyond me! Oh and Mr. Allred – “when universities cave to basic conservative political pressure like this, they’re firmly taking a side.” – when universities begin again to impose loyalty oaths to the faculty, then conservatism will have some power.

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