Melania Derangement Syndrome – IOTW Report

Melania Derangement Syndrome

Bette Midler is really suffering.

Patriot Retort: Trump Derangement Syndrome isn’t just for Donald, guys. It encompasses the entire family. And last night, those unfortunate enough to be on Twitter during the First Lady’s speech got exposed to a heaping helping of Melania Derangement Syndrome.

And it is one thousand times more venomous and awful than TDS.

Melania’s very existence exposes the vicious bigotry and misogyny of the Left.

Not that they’re particularly skilled at hiding it.  But just the sight of Melania on television makes these people melt down into a fetid stew of poisonous hatred.

Melania’s address from the Rose Garden was as lovely as Melania herself – soft-spoken, gracious, humble, kind. But because of their Melania Derangement Syndrome, blue checkmark monsters and the hateful, wretched people from the ResistanceLOL wasted no time attacking her, her accent, her marriage, and her past as a model.

The level of ugly viciousness is enough to take your breath away.

17 Comments on Melania Derangement Syndrome

  1. It’s as true today as it’s ever been. If you’re taking flak you know you’re over the target. And I’ve always been grateful that I’m not in charge of revenge, for “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.” I’d hate to be on the recieving end of that perfect wrath.

    Our dearest Melania is a woman of God, so she has the peace which passes all human understanding, and the grace to carry on under intense fire. She’s resilient and strong, too.

  2. …and Bette Midler has an apt name. It’s really too bad these loud-mouthed, attention-seeking, know-nothing celebs just don’t stick to what they know. I’d sure like to be there when Bette figures out she’s been played.

  3. Hate and Ugliness via Jealousy must be a horrible feeling.

    And to add TDS on top of that?? DRY ICE TOXIC.

    IF I were on Twatter, I would call her ‘MS. FRIGID’ in the classical sense of course.

    She, Betty Boop, hates the first Lady because Melania is everything this nut job IS NOT. This is a CHIC thing as much as anything!

    I Bet Midler is a Jealous BITCH.

  4. Wait a minute….aren’t the same people who are trashing our present first lady the same ones who said that it was a cardinal offense to say anything about Micheal?

    We were never allowed to comment on all the pictures available of Micheal scratching his balls.


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