Men are refusing to perform CPR on women, fearing they’ll be accused of ‘sexual assault.’ – IOTW Report

Men are refusing to perform CPR on women, fearing they’ll be accused of ‘sexual assault.’

Revolver-Hey, great job, ladies! Men are now so terrified of being accused of “assault” by you that they’d rather not even perform CPR if you’re gasping for your last breath. Why? Well, because what if you survive and, after you come, you feel some brushing on your chest and accuse that Good Samaritan of sexual assault? Think we’re joking? Sadly, this is the state of “feminism” in 2024—a bunch of angry, man-hating women browbeating men into submission, and yes, something like this crazy tale we’re about to share, which is actually true according to a new report, could very easily and likely happen these days. more

15 Comments on Men are refusing to perform CPR on women, fearing they’ll be accused of ‘sexual assault.’

  1. …because what if you survive and, after you come, you feel some brushing on your chest and accuse that Good Samaritan of sexual assault?

    You might want to reword that.

  2. “Sadly, this is the state of “feminism” in 2024”

    This can easily be extrapolated to other areas of conduct, e.g., a man sees a young girl who appears lost or scared at a shopping mall or a park and decides it’s not worth the risk to go offer assistance. OR, you see some dude verbally or physically abusing his girlfriend in public, most guys would intervene but in today’s world, the female will most likely turn on. you and tell you to mind your own business, or worse, attack you.

    A personal anecdote; on the weekends I officiate junior tennis tournaments. Often times these will run late. It is not uncommon for parents to drop their kids off to play and come and get them when they finish. When packing up, if there is a juvenile girl who is waiting for a parent to arrive, I will wait with them. On cold nights it would be preferable to wait with them in my car with the heat on, but in the me too movement I would not dare risk it, no we both wait outside in the cold.

    In the olden days, people looked out for one another, stepped in and intervened when necessary, and did the right thing re: human interactions, but not anymore. Girls are taught at an early age (mostly by bitter feminist teachers) that men are predators, men are dangerous, and when given half the chance, they will sexually assault you at the least provocation.

  3. Well past that point here in the Pacific Northwest. 20 years ago I declined to give an older womana ride from the grocery store to her apartment building a half-mile away at 6 a.m. in the morning.

  4. There is absolutely NOTHING sexy about pumping a dead womans chest. Youre not doing it in private, everyone can see shes dead, youre not fondling her breasts and trust me, if she comes to with any sentience at ALL shes not going to be thinking about SEX.

    More later. Gotta scoot now. But this is an INCREDIBLY pussy (no pun intended) excuse for chickening out on SAVING A LIFE.

  5. I don’t know that this has actually happened, but it’s certainly not implausible. We’ve all seen the videos of women being assaulted, and dudes are sitting it out on the sidelines looking at their phones while it happens ten feet away from them.

  6. An offshoot of the “Ferguson Effect”, a proven phenomenon in which police do not patrol or make arrests in areas where doing so might lead to their being sued, fired or worse. Interestingly, the existence of the “Ferguson Effect” is denied by smug media elites, especially the black females.

    Deny the facts at your own peril, ladies.

  7. Cmn¢¢guy
    Saturday, 19 October 2024, 9:28 at 9:28 am
    “If you do CPR right, not the way they do on TV, you may break ribs.
    More often in the elderly, but it can still happen.”


    …look up “Floating Sternum” to see just how “sexy” CPR can be…


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