Men, Do You Hold Hands With Married Female Friends? – IOTW Report

Men, Do You Hold Hands With Married Female Friends?

Former CNN honcho Jeff Zucker and married anchor Alisyn Camerota ‘just old friends’ despite holding hands.


Former CNN boss Jeff Zucker and anchor Alisyn Camerota are “just old friends” — despite raising eyebrows by holding hands.

The pair looked quite comfortable together as they were seen leaving a brunch hosted by Don Lemon in the Hamptons on Saturday, per photos obtained by the Daily Mail.

Camerota — who is married with three kids — was seen smiling as she walked hand-in-hand with Zucker, who stepped down from his role at the media company last year after failing to disclose his romance with then-colleague Allison Gollust.

Interestingly, Gollust, 50, was also in attendance at Lemon’s event, but she exited the party alone.


34 Comments on Men, Do You Hold Hands With Married Female Friends?

  1. Zucker has that Shrek/Harvey Weinstein look going for him (bulbous cranium right out of the Mars Attacks movie) that no-talent bints are willing to jump all over to get a job way out of reach of their abilities.

    The things some women will do to get ahead in life.

  2. I never touch any woman I’m not related to above the wrist, and even then only for a professional handshake. Even in an emergency context you need to be aware that some actions could be misconstrued and explain them loudly and clearly, as much for onlookers as you do for the victim. I also follow the Billy Graham rule about never being alone with a woman who is not my wife. Its too easy for people to talk and a man NEVER wins a he said/she said if any accusations of impropriety arise.

  3. Ok, I know you are asking men, but I’m going to comment. So there.

    If I were a married woman, I would never ever hold another man’s hand other than my husband’s. Marriage is sacred and I would never entertain even thinking about another man. To me, that would be a betrayal. In spirit, yes, but that counts just as if I had cheated. I would never do that to him.

  4. do I hold hands w/ married female friends?

    only if I want to die …. real soon!
    & believe me, She Who Must Be Obeyed will convince a jury it was totally justified

  5. In the real world, it’s a good way to get in an unwanted confrontation. But I suppose those in the ‘elite left’ pass around their spouses, as they are selfish asshats who have no concept of carimg a whit about anything but themselves.

    Sucks they seem to be in total control of this country…

  6. Camerota sold her soul when she got ticked off that she didn’t get the permanent gig on F & F.
    I have lots of friends in common with my husband and DON’T hold hands with any of them.
    Just another example of how dirty media is.

  7. He must have a fetish for women named Allison. Sounds like one of’em got his ass fired. Guess he didn’t learn the first time with Allison. I look at all the people who consider themselves privileged, beautiful, a silver spoon in their mouth, and what has it gained them on earth, and what does it gain them at death. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but loose his very soul?

    Allison Gollust, Alisyn Camerota

  8. As for holding hands, weren’t we all told recently that it spreads germs? LOL! Cases and cases of the sanitation soap is being sold for 50 cents a bottle at thrift stores. No one is buying it, they had their fill of it during covid.

  9. My Hubby and I can’t afford to vacation in Sag Harbor & the Hamptons & neither of us holds hands of our friends at any time but just taking a look at those people would ruin our appetites for sure. Missing Tucker Carlson and his mocking Don LeMON .

  10. All that money and he still is desperate for a damaged liberal woman who is not even that attractive, can’t think for herself.
    I guess some like women like that.


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