MEN struation – IOTW Report

MEN struation


Forget Dr. Seuss. The new Cat in the Hat on the block is “Toni the Tampon,” a character devised by children’s author Cass Clemmer to show kiddies ‘round the nation that men, not just women, can menstruate.

Line forms on the left, people. “The Adventures of Toni the Tampon” is a coloring book and it’s coming to a market near you.

I know what you’re thinking: Does Toni wear a cape?

No, but the little white tampon does bring a message of hope to transgenders everywhere. And apparently, it’s this: God’s design of male and female can indeed be overcome.

All you need is a good name that could lean either way, boy or girl.

“I’d rather help just one genderqueer or trans menstruator feel like they were seen than sell a thousand copies only to reinforce the boundaries society draws by gendering periods in the first place,” Clemmer says, Breitbart reported.

Now I have to be straight with you: I don’t know what a trans menstruator is. Neither does my auto-correct, which keeps — annoyingly — switching the spelling of “menstruator” to various derivatives, trying to stumble upon just what the heck is being typed.

But such are the limits of those without the mental acumen of the LGBTQ-etc. movement — they’re “Special” with a capital “S,” and the rest of us are just left in the IQ dust. It’s like the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland says: Words can mean whatever.

Of course, that caterpillar had an excuse: His hookah. Lord only knows what he was smoking.

But what’s the transgender movement’s excuse?

Clemmer on Instagram, bemoaned and bewailed: “The right-wing media has attacked my #periodcoloringbook all week — calling it ‘child abuse’ because it affirms trans and gender non conforming menstruators. In response, I am donating all profits from this week to the @translifeline. If you stand with menstruators of all genders, please share this post. When they go low, we go high.”

When they go sane, we go insane.


27 Comments on MEN struation

  1. At the risk of offending the snowflake generation which I will gladly do their theme song or meme should be, We’re all a bunch of snowflake bozos on the short bus (with apologies to Firesign Theater). They can all sing the wheels on the bus go round, round, round and their co mascots could be Baloney the idiot purple dinosaur and the Teletubbies.

  2. Well, having actually been born with ovaries and a uterus, and therefore having biological reasons for menstruating, I can honestly say that I don’t know why anyone who doesn’t have to would want to. I’m happy that I could produce children, but it wasn’t all a walk in the park. And no one born with a penis will EVER be able to do that without some serious medical intervention. So NO, gender is not a societal construct, you morons, it’s SCIENCE.

  3. As crazy as I think I am sometimes, it’s stories like this and the comments from you guys here that make me realize just how crazy the rest of the World can be.

  4. Not sure if what I just said came out the way I meant it to. I wanted to say that you guys help me feel like I’m not the only one who thinks we as a society have drifted so far to the Left. There is a normal and normal that book ain’t no matter how hard they try to tell us it is.

  5. Hold on on your hat Frank, they have already started putting tampon machines in the men’s room at some of the colleges. You can google it if you really need to know which ones.

  6. About a year ago, I began bleeding profusely into my underwear. Naturally, this became a cause for alarm as I began to think that i had turned transexual and was male menstruating

    So I called my doctor and asked where I could find some male tampons, and he told me to go to the ER. Turned out all I had was a busted hemorrhoid ;-D

    I was trying to be satirical there. Not sure I succeeded. More and more it seems reality keeps trumping your attempts to be absurd

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