Three women say he was jerked off by a male aide and he requested that a man fart in his face, which, I guess, is the smell of love for a poop splitter. (Sorry about the crude way I put these stories. There is nothing elegant or natural about homo sex, and I won’t romanticize, nor sanitize it.)

Prince Majed bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is accused of doing cocaine, getting drunk and forcing himself on three female members of staff, exclusively obtained court documents reveal.
‘I am a prince and I do what I want.’ Cocaine-crazed Saudi royal ‘threatened to kill Los Angeles mansion staff who watched him being pleasured by male aide’
Was the “male aid” a reclusive Kenyan name Barry?????????
Years ago my father, who never spoke ill of his fellow man, told me to never trust a Muslim. Hell, I didn’t even know what a Muslim was. Dad had spent 4 years all over the middle east during WWII, he knew all about them and their nasty 7th century culture.
It’s been over 50 years since he gave me that advice and I have seen nothing to make me think it was bad or unfounded.
The perv wants someone to fart in his face???
Could you have lower self esteem? Is it possible with a desire like that??
If these camel humpers hadn’t had the unbelievable good fortune to have a king’s ransom buried a few feet under their ground, the entire world would be a better place.
Requesting someone fart in your face denotes prestige and power
….. ……. if you’re a muslim.
That explaines Barry and Mooshelle’s attraction to each other.
If Shitholeistan still is to lash a Brit for drinking wine, doesn’t Nancy Boy deserve a toss off a building?
The Wind Song perfume in Saudi Arabia must smell like shiite.
Saudi royal family: Personal friends of the Bush family. Particularly close with that four-flusher and back-stabber “Read my lips, no new taxes” GHW Bush.
Just to clear up any misconceptions that may exist: I don’t like the Bush family. I don’t have any respect for any of the Bush family who are “public figures.” Of those who are not in the public eye, I don’t have any opinion one way or the other but of those who do have a public record to consider, I don’t have any use for them what so ever.
Just saying.
Saudis! The people who perpetrated 9/11. One of our governments better white wash jobs to keep the populace from demanding we kick their asses.
Slave owners, misogynists to the n’th degree, racists, and the major funding source for ISIS.
And our national politicians line up to smooch some Saudi ass. Mmmm, mmm, goood!
I think Laura and the twin girls are cute…
the men? not much use for them
That kind of explains their dislike of toilet paper. Stinking bastards.
Smart feller.
The fart is the homosexual love call.
The wetter and the louder, the better.
“Don’t fart in my face …
shit.” Homosexual saying.